Brand Guidelines and Style Manual

last updated: 02.7.25

What is a Brand?

The NAB brand is more than a logo or a set of colors. It is how we present our association to our members, our key target audiences and the public. It is reflected in how we write, what we say and how our materials look — from the simplest note to the most elaborate brochure.

NAB’s current brand was unveiled in 2008, defining a unified look and voice that supports the message and mission of the association and its main objectives: advocacy, education and innovation. In order to maintain the integrity of this new brand, this Brand Guidelines and Style Manual document was created to guide design and copy creation standards as well as share helpful reference materials.

It is the responsibility of each of us to comply with our brand guidelines and approved style. To help you, there are brand managers to provide additional guidance when you have questions or cannot find the answer on this site.

Brand Managers

For all questions regarding written content, messaging and style, please contact Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Jennifer Jose.

For all questions regarding graphics, photography, websites, email and other digital content, please contact Chief Creative Officer and Vice President, Digital, Gagan Nirula.

For all questions regarding the style guide, please contact Executive Assistant, Public Affairs, Sarah Lim.

Content Development Process

All copy should be thoroughly edited prior to submitting it to graphic or web design. For copy review, please see Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Jennifer Jose.

Design Development Process

In-House Design

In order to begin an in-house design project, you should schedule a meeting with the design team. You may be asked to fill out a creative brief in advance of this meeting. All necessary approvals for the project (including from your department head) should be obtained before this meeting takes place. You should have an estimated budget (if necessary) to share with the design team along with edited copy and materials. The creative services and digital marketing teams will generally provide two, and no more than three, different options for a project (web page, brochure, etc.) You will then have the opportunity to revise or edit the document no more than three times after a design template is selected. This will ensure maximum efficiency in the design process and that your project is completed on schedule.

Outside Vendor Design

While most design work for NAB materials is done in-house, there are occasional exceptions when outside design vendors are used. All work done by outside design vendors must be approved by a member of NAB’s Creative Services team for brand standards and consistency, as well as logo placement. This also applies to any design that is done in-house, but not specifically by the NAB graphic design team.