The logo has the most impact when in full color. Always strive to use this version.
Use if a 3-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication or where gradients are not possible.
Use if a 2-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication.
Use if a black or 1-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication. Also may be used on fax sheets.
Only used if a KO (knocked out) logo is requested by a vendor or publication.
The logo has the most impact when in full color. Always strive to use this version.
Use if a 3-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication or where gradients are not possible.
Use if a 2-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication.
Use if a black or 1-color logo is requested by a vendor or publication. Also may be used on fax sheets.
Only used if a KO (knocked out) logo is requested by a vendor or publication.