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Marconi Radio Awards

Entry Rules

Entry window closed.


Participation is only open to NAB radio member stations in good standing of the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories except where prohibited.

Nomination Rules:
  • Stations and personalities who won a 2024 Marconi cannot be nominated in the same category again until 2026.
  • Nominations for the "Oldies" format should be submitted under the "Classic Hits" category
  • Required is an audio file (MP3, max file size 50 MB), of the radio station, on-air personality or podcast that you are nominating. Suggested length is :60 - :90. Include in the audio what you want the judge to hear about the nominee.
  • Nominations for the "Non-commercial" format should be submitted under the College Station" category
  • Network/syndicated personalities can be nominated by their syndicator and affiliates.
  • Stations may choose to enter in a category based on their market size or their format. Stations are not eligible to compete in both categories.
  • College stations may choose to compete in only one category: Station of the Year by Market Size, Station of the Year by Format, or "College Station" of the Year.
  • Only one nomination per station is allowed for Personality of the Year by Market Size.
  • Syndicated personalities are not eligible to enter Personality of the Year by Market size.
  • Entries should not exceed 200 words.
  • With the exception of the Legendary Station category, any information included in the profile regarding awards, ratings, community involvement, etc. should only pertain to achievements that occurred in 2024.
  • Collateral materials will not be accepted.
  • NAB reserves the right to eliminate a category from the voting process if there is not sufficient participation during the nomination process.
  • The station submitting information is liable for any and all information contained therein, and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify NAB against any and all claims or costs in that regard.
  • In consideration of receipt of a NAB Marconi Radio Award, the Station's and/or the Personality of the Year's representatives at the 2024 NAB Marconi Radio Awards presentation hereby irrevocably grant to the National Association of Broadcasters the right to make and distribute audio and video recordings and photographs of their appearances for archival, news, promotional and other purposes.
  • Entry fee: $75

Nomination Categories:

Station of the Year by Market Size

Submission should include a link to the station's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024:

  • Audience reach
  • Innovative programming and revenue generation
  • Audience involvement and promotion: how the station reaches and serves its audience
  • Commitment to the community
  • Special considerations or hurdles encountered and how they were overcome

Radio Station of the Year (Format)

Religious Station of the Year includes spoken word or music format.
Spanish Station of the Year includes spoken word or music format.
Submission should include a link to the station's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024:

  • Audience reach
  • Innovative programming and revenue generation
  • Audience involvement and promotion: how the station reaches and serves its audience
  • Commitment to the community
  • Special considerations or hurdles encountered and how they were overcome

College Radio Station of the Year

Submission should include a link to the station's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024:

  • Innovative programming
  • How the station reaches and serves its listeners
  • Commitment to the community
  • Special considerations or hurdles encountered and how they were overcome

Personality of the Year

Submission should include a link to the station's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024:

  • Audience reach
  • Audience involvement and promotion
  • Any programming of which you are particularly proud
  • Commitment to the community
  • Radio industry involvement

Network/Syndicated Personality

This award is presented to the on-air personality that has showed the most overall success in syndication. Submission from an affiliate or the syndicator should include a link to the personality's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024:

  • One sentence describing the program content i.e. talk, entertainment/music, countdown, etc.
  • Audience reach
  • Innovative programming
  • Audience involvement and major promotional and community outreach efforts
  • Radio industry involvement

Legendary Manager

Manager must have been in the business for a minimum of 10 years. Submission should include details of managers excellence in:

  • Revenue growth
  • Employee retention
  • Creativity
  • Ability to motivate
  • Overall awesomeness

Legendary Station

Stations must have been on air for a minimum of 25 years. Submission should include a link to the station's website and 200 words maximum:

Highlights and achievements during 2024 and may include the history of the station:

  • Ratings and revenue successes
  • Previous awards and recognitions
  • Contributions to the radio industry
  • Innovative programming and revenue generating ideas
  • Major promotional and community outreach efforts
  • Stations may only receive this honor once

Best Radio Podcast

Radio stations must have published a minimum of six original episodes in 2024. Content must be free to access. Submission should include a link to the station's website, audio clips from 2024 and 200 words maximum. Clips will be judged on:

  • Ratings and revenue successes
  • Previous awards and recognitions
  • Content
  • Quality of craft
  • Overall listener experience

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