
Your Voice, Your Vote

Your vote is your voice. And it has the power to strengthen our democracy. Vote on November 5 and let your voice be heard. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

For the People

Our democracy is a government of the people, for the people. Let's keep it that way. Get registered. Find reliable information about the candidates and issues. Vote on November 5. It's that simple. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

Every Vote Counts

From the top to the bottom of your ballot, every vote counts. Register, get the facts and vote on November 5. It's your chance to make a difference. Learn more at (STATION ELECTION URL or This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

It's Personal

Elections are not about the candidates. They're about your personal stake in our democracy and the issues that matter to you. If you want to have a say in what happens to your country, your community, your future, register to vote, get the facts and cast your vote on November 5. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

The Future

In the 2024 elections, your participation is crucial. Your vote is your power to transform the future of our country. Don’t let others decide for you. Register to vote, get the facts and vote on November 5. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

#VotaConmigo Campaign - Scripts

Before downloading, using or modifying any “Vota Conmigo” assets provided by Televisa Univision, please fill out this licensing agreement and return it to Liliana Rañón.

Download Scripts

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