
The Hispanic Media GOTV Coalition is designed to foster dialog among media outlets and to share resources, research and ideas to increase voter turnout and registration among Latinos. Members of the coalition benefit from sharing resources, such as voter education materials, best practices, campaign creative, strategies and data analytics, designed to encourage voter participation among this important demographic.

Our primary objective is to proactively encourage and facilitate the participation of Hispanic voters in national elections.

This is a non-political and non-partisan coalition.

In shorthand:

What we do:

  • Bring media organizations together to foster a positive dialog.
  • Facilitate resource sharing (creative, research, data).
  • Encourage coalition partners to educate their audiences to register and vote.

What we don’t do:

  • Take policy positions.
  • Endorse or support specific candidates.
  • Require coalition members to air certain spots or messages.
  • Develop coalition-branded campaigns – our priority is ensuring each coalition member has the information it needs to run its own branded campaign, because we know these media brands are trusted by the audience.

Messaging Platform

You can make a difference. Register to Vote.

Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. This election cycle, there are more than 36.21 million Hispanics eligible to vote.

By registering to vote, you can ensure your voice is heard on issues like the economy, health care, education, and immigration reform.

Don’t let others decide for you. Get registered, go vote and make your voice heard! Together we can build a better future for all.

Registering to vote is quick, easy, and essential to participating in the democratic process.

In many states, you can register to vote online, by mail, or in person. Visit for registration information. This is a trusted source that is non-partisan and non-political.

Know that some states have registration deadlines, ( so don’t delay.

Encourage your friends, family, and community members to register to vote and participate in the election.

Your vote can make a difference in this election, but you can’t vote if you aren’t registered.

Register to vote in the 2024 election and make a difference!

Your voice is your power. Vote in the 2024 election.

In the United States, voting is a critical way to ensure that all voices are represented. This election cycle, there are more than 36.2 million Hispanics eligible to vote.

Voting is a fundamental right that many fought hard to secure; honor this legacy by registering to vote.

Voting is a way to advocate for change and make a difference on issues that matter to you and your family, such as the economy, immigration reform, health care and education.

Your vote is your voice, it's your power to bring about positive change.

According to the Pew Research Center, Hispanic voters are more likely to be young and have the potential to shape elections in the coming years.

In the 2024 presidential election, your participation is crucial. Don't let others decide for you. Your vote is your right, use it with pride!

Create a better future for yourself and your community.

Every vote counts, so let’s ensure that all voices are heard in the political process.

Some states allow early voting by mail or in person. See what your state’s rules are.

Absentee voting is also available (when you cannot go to the polls in person on election day). Find out more about absentee voting in your state.

Encourage your friends, family, and community members to vote. Make a plan to vote and turn out. The future of our country is in your hands. Your voice is your power – use it!

#VotaConmigo Campaign - Talking Points

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