Research and Resources

  1. Pew Research Center

  2. UnidosUS: Voting and Political Empowerment

  3. Latino Data Hub: The Latino Data Hub is a new data platform that offers reliable, customizable data about U.S. Latinos providing insights to expand economic opportunity and political representation

  4. NALEO's Election 2024 Data and Research Hub
    • NALEO Educational Fund launched the Defiende La Verdad (Defend the Truth) campaign in 2022 after engaging in efforts to counter the spread of Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation (MDM) during the 2020 Census, the 2020 elections and the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign seeks to build awareness about the effects of MDM on Latino civic engagement and build capacity among community leaders and community groups to counter the spread of MDM narratives.
    • NALEO Educational Fund is actively recruiting volunteers to take part in social media monitoring sessions to identify MDM narratives regarding electoral participation. Social media monitoring has been a key part of the Defiende La Verdad campaign given that social media companies still face a gap in their ability to monitor online content in languages other than English. Social media monitoring is done virtually in 75-minute shifts, which includes training. Shifts are posted here:
    • NALEO Educational Fund operates a fully bilingual information and assistance hotline, 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682), which the organization leverages for election protection assistance in the lead-up to and during elections. Voters can call the hotline with any questions regarding electoral participation, to report problems encountered while attempting to vote and to resolve issues encountered while attempting to vote. These cases are elevated to local elections authorities and/or voting rights lawyers through the Election Protection Coalition organized by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law. The organization expands the hours of operations and call capacity during elections and recruits volunteers to support the expansion. Volunteer shifts are posted here: The ability to communicate in Spanish is a requirement to volunteer on the hotline.

  5. Civic Alliance: Corporate Civic Playbook

  6. DDIA - Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas: resources and polling data on familiarity in misinformation and trust in elections

  7. Poll Worker Recruitment Toolkit

  8. National Voter Registration Day

  9. UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Institute

  10. Trusted News: helping newsrooms address mistrust in media

  11. NBCU Academy: addressing misinformation targeting Spanish speakers

  12. Knight Election Hub: resources and information from numerous journalism support groups

  13. Factchequeado
    • This bilingual presentation outlines the central aspects of partnership with Factchequeado, for media, community, and academic organizations.
    • Factchequeado’s bilingual guide for journalists covering Latino and Spanish-speaking communities. It was produced in partnership with the Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI). This guide contains not only free tools journalists can use to help them with fact-checking, it also includes organizations and experts useful to consult when reporting on and for Latino communities.
    • Factchequeado Chatbot on WhatsApp: Here are the links to sign up for our WhatsApp ChatBot and related WhatsApp Channels, which we invite everyone to share with Latino leaders, bilingual journalists, students, friends and family, so they in turn can send us information they would like to verify.

  14. Hispanic Federation

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