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AI Training for Broadcasters

Revolutionize your career with the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning through exclusive online courses designed by Future Media Concepts specifically for TV and radio professionals. These courses offer a unique blend of technical expertise and practical creativity, tailored to meet the evolving needs of the broadcasting industry.

August 21
November 14

Course Location: Virtual

NAB Member Price: $299

Learn More and Register

AI Broadcast TV: Revolutionizing Broadcasting

Get a comprehensive look into the world of AI and machine learning applications in video editing, with a specific focus on news, documentaries and video on demand. Explore and experiment with state-of-the-art tools like Descript, Runway, Premiere Pro, Firefly and others. This session is meticulously crafted to blend technical expertise with practical creativity, demonstrating how AI and machine learning is reshaping the landscape of video editing and opening up new avenues in the broadcasting industry.

Who should attend:

  • Broadcast video editors
  • Post-production specialists
  • Media production managers
  • Journalists and content creators
  • Technical staff

Key takeaways:

  • Blend Technical Expertise with Practical Creativity: Learn how to integrate AI and machine learning into your video editing process, enhancing your creative potential and technical prowess.
  • Explore Revolutionary AI-driven Tools: Gain hands-on experience with the latest AI technologies that are transforming video production and broadcasting.
  • Shape the Future of Video Editing: Discover how AI and machine learning are reshaping the video editing landscape, opening up innovative avenues and redefining industry standards.
  • Advance Your Career: Equip yourself with cutting-edge skills that will keep you ahead in a competitive industry, ensuring you are a step ahead toward the future.

August 19
November 15

Course Location: Virtual

NAB Member Price: $299

Learn More and Register

AI Broadcast Radio: Making Sound Waves

With a focus on radio industry professionals, this workshop is meticulously designed to empower sound engineers, audio editors, radio producers, and audio enthusiasts with knowledge about the revolutionary effects of AI and machine learning in sound mastering. Get in-depth insights into AI-driven tools, including Adobe Audition’s AI features, Izotope RX, Ozone and LANDR and see how these technologies can significantly enhance audio quality, optimize workflows and open up exciting career prospects in the field of radio sound production.

Who should attend:

  • Sound engineers and audio editors
  • Technical staff
  • Audio technology enthusiasts

Key takeaways:

  • Empower Your Audio Mastery: Discover the revolutionary effects of AI and machine learning for sound mastering, enhancing your capabilities as a sound engineer, audio editor, radio producer or audio enthusiast.
  • Utilize Cutting-edge AI Tools: Learn about the latest AI-driven tools that are setting new benchmarks in audio editing and production.
  • Transform Audio Production: Understand how AI and machine learning are revolutionizing audio workflows, enabling more efficient and creative sound production.
  • Expand Your Professional Horizons: Gain insights and skills that will advance your career, ensuring your expertise remains at the forefront of the broadcasting industry.
AI Creative Summit

FMC is also hosting a week of live, online workshops and a summit designed to elevate your creative potential through the power of artificial intelligence.

AI Bootcamps | August 19-21

Immerse yourself in the cutting-edge world of AI creative topics through seven dynamic workshops designed to ignite your passion and enhance your skills. Attendees receive a complimentary certification exam.

Seven Workshops | Seven Certifications | Three Days

  • AI Design
  • AI Broadcast Radio
  • AI Sound Mastering
  • AI Legal
  • AI Video Editing
  • AI VFX and Motion
  • AI Broadcast TV

AI Summit | August 22

Enjoy a full day of immersive content, including a morning kick-off, 50-minute sessions and a keynote address, all live and online.

Six Sessions | One Keynote | One Panel | One Day

Learn More and Register Today

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