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September 7, 2018

PILOT Awards First Round of Technology Internship Grants

--Applications are now being accepted for Summer 2019 grants--

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- PILOT, an NAB technology innovation initiative, announces the first six stations selected to receive grants from its new program providing funds to establish paid engineering or media-technology internships at radio and television stations. PILOT offers the program in partnership with the National Association of Broadcasters Educational Foundation (NABEF), as part of an effort to grow technical and engineering talent for the industry.

Stations selected to receive grants for part-time internships in the Spring 2019 academic term are:

  • KION (NPG of Monterey-Salinas, CA LLC), Salinas, CA
  • KNDE (Bryan Broadcasting Corp.), College Station, TX
  • WNOR/WAFX/WJOI (Tidewater Communications, LLC), Chesapeake, VA
  • WPOZ / WMYZ / WHYZ / WDOZ (Central Florida Educational Foundation, Inc.), Altamonte Springs, FL
  • WSLS (Graham Media Group), Roanoke, VA
  • WSNY/WLVQ/WNND/WVMX (The Columbus Radio Group/Saga Communications), Columbus, OH

PILOT has also opened the application window for the program’s second round, which offers grants for full-time internships in Summer 2019. This window closes on November 2, 2018.

“We were very encouraged by the number of applications to our first offering of these grants,” said NAB Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Sam Matheny. “The broadcast industry is full of amazing technology, and this is a great new part of PILOT’s efforts to expose students to our industry and grow the next generation of technology and engineering leaders.”

NABEF President Marcellus Alexander added, “Connecting the next generation of technology talent with our industry through these internships is a winning collaboration. Broadcasters engage and motivate young, local, tech-minded talent in their communities by providing comprehensive, hands-on training. Students walk away with insight and experience in the broadcast technology space, while getting a glimpse at a potential future career.”

The Technology Internship Grant program also offers resources to assist the selected stations in identifying and supporting their interns and provides travel funds for the interns to attend the 2019 NAB Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Stations selected to receive Summer 2019 grants will be announced in November 2018. Additional program information and an online application form are available at

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving broadcasters and the public interest by supporting and advocating community service, diversity, education and broadcasting issues and trends. Learn more at

PILOT is a coalition of innovators, educators and advocates dedicated to advancing broadcast technology and cultivating new media opportunities. PILOT propels broadcast television and radio into the future. It provides a platform for innovation, an engine for incubation, a venue for testing new technologies and a forum for broadcaster education. Learn more at

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The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at


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