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July 23, 2018

PILOT to Offer Technology Internship Grants to NAB Members in Partnership with NAB Education Foundation

-- Program provides funding for NAB member stations to offer paid internships to undergraduate students in radio and television engineering/technology positions for Spring and Summer 2019 --

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- PILOT, an NAB technology innovation initiative, announced today the launch of a new program that will provide grants to NAB members to establish paid engineering or media-technology internships at their radio and television stations. The program will be launched in partnership with the National Association of Broadcasters Educational Foundation (NABEF) as part of an effort to grow technical and engineering talent for the industry.

The program will initially offer grants for part-time internships in the Spring 2019 academic term, and full-time internships in Summer 2019.

Sam Matheny, NAB’s executive vice president and chief technology officer said, “We believe these internships will help NAB member stations attract the best and brightest, and expand awareness of the exciting work that a career in broadcast technology can provide. We are thrilled to be working with NABEF on this program, as a key component of PILOT’s technology education efforts.”

NABEF President Marcellus Alexander added, “Through these grants, we expect to provide more opportunities for students to explore and learn about broadcast technology and engineering. The result will be an increase in the pool of talent for our industry.”

The program seeks to help NAB members that do not currently offer engineering or media-technology internships. The program will also provide resources to assist selected stations in identifying and supporting interns, as well as the ability for interns to attend the 2019 NAB Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

NAB members must apply for the grants by August 15, 2018 to be eligible for the Spring 2019 internships. The deadline for applications for the Summer 2019 internship grants is November 2, 2018. Stations selected to receive the grants will be announced in September and November 2018, respectively.

The grant application window for Spring 2019 internships is open now, and the Summer 2019 application window opens on September 5, 2018. Additional program information and an online application form are available at

PILOT is a coalition of innovators, educators and advocates dedicated to advancing broadcast technology and cultivating new media opportunities. PILOT propels broadcast television and radio into the future. It provides a platform for innovation, an engine for incubation, a venue for testing new technologies and a forum for broadcaster education. Learn more at

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving broadcasters and the public interest by supporting and advocating community service, diversity, education and broadcasting issues and trends. Learn more at

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The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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