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October 12, 2016

PILOT Innovation Challenge Announces 10 Finalists

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- PILOT, an innovation initiative of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), announced the 10 finalists of its first-ever PILOT Innovation Challenge. The PILOT Innovation Challenge recognizes creative ideas that leverage technological advances in the production, distribution and display of engaging content. Winners will be selected and announced October 31 at the NAB Futures conference.

Over 150 ideas were submitted to address the challenge question, “How might local television and radio broadcasters engage their communities with next generation content on any device, whether big, small or moving?” The first place winner will receive $20,000, second place $15,000 and third place $10,000 to assist with prototyping the concepts. Additionally, the top three winners will receive expert guidance, access to key broadcast executives and exclusive exposure at industry events, such as NAB Show New York and NAB Show.

“The PILOT Innovation Challenge showcases and helps develop creative ideas and solutions that have the potential to positively impact the broadcast industry and its consumers,” said Executive Director of PILOT John Clark. “Our 10 finalists have come up with a variety of proposed concepts to address this year’s challenge question. We’re excited to announce our finalists and ultimately decide the winners at NAB Futures.”

This year’s finalists are:

Broadcast Us
Jeff Lin

Broadcast Us is an online platform that allows users to produce, post and discuss their own high-quality news.

Brett Kenyon

Chapters labels and categorizes streamed news stories into color-coded tabs, which allow users to jump to specific stories or build an individual newscast of only stories they want to see.

Ronnie Abolafia-Rosenzweig, Ky Cao, Reagan Healey, Ryan Kraus, Emily Marisa Luera
Texas A&M University

GeoTunes is a smartphone application that allows users to locate sources of inspiration for artists' songs.

Kiara Brisker, Rick Jenkins, Anthony (Nino) Pinneri, Hugh Tomasello
University of Nevado Reno

gNews is a geolocation based local news aggregate platform that enables communities to interact with breaking news stories in real-time through social media integration.

History Go
Eric Asencio, Elise Hackney, Mike Le, Alberta Lin, Claire Lohn, Jordan Sales
Texas A&M University

History GO is an application that connects to user’s current location and utilizes augmented reality to display relevant facts, pictures and videos about the area.

In Your Shoes
Robinne Burrell, Trina DasGupta
Redflight Mobile Innovation

In Your Shoes is an immersive storytelling platform that utilizes virtual reality to document the lives of multiple people involved in a single situation or issue.

Story Builder
Retha Hill, Adam Ingram-Goble, Juli James

PlayableMedia's Story Builder allows journalists to meet audiences on mobile devices and engage readers using the best practices of journalism and game design.

Lokita: A Hyper-Local Smart Content Concierge
Chet Dagit, Mary Kate Dagit, Bruce Jacobson
RTP-Lokita Solutions

Utilizing FM radio, TV broadcast, and on-demand clips, Lokita provides broadcasters with a branded smart concierge application.

The News Call
Chandra Clark
The University of Alabama

The News Call is DVR-type phone service that calls the user at a pre-determined time with pre-programmed customized news.

You Win
Wayne Rasanen

You Win allows 10 contestants to engage in live trivia competitions via voice-chat, FaceTime, Skype or other live video options.

Additional information about the PILOT Innovation Challenge is available here.

PILOT, formerly NAB Labs, is a coalition of innovators, educators and advocates dedicated to advancing broadcast technology and cultivating new media opportunities. PILOT propels broadcast television and radio into the future. It provides a platform for innovation, an engine for incubation, a venue for testing new technologies and a forum for broadcaster education. Learn more at

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The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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