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June 21, 2016

NAB Introduces Inaugural PILOT Innovation Challenge

-- Program Serves as Launchpad for Innovative Broadcast Ideas --

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), through its PILOT program, is accepting submissions for its first-ever Innovation Challenge. The PILOT Innovation Challenge will recognize creative ideas that leverage technological advances in the production, distribution and display of engaging content. The program will also provide support to the winners for development. The submission deadline is September 23.

This year’s challenge question is “How can local television and radio broadcasters engage their communities with next generation content on any device, whether big, small or moving?”

Applicants are required to submit a title, descriptions of their proposed concept, illustration and a simple business case explaining the concept’s viability. The submission must address the challenge question and will be evaluated for its creativity, value proposition it holds for both broadcasters and consumers, in addition to its viability.

“The broadcast industry is continuously evolving and exploring new ways to produce and deliver engaging content,” said Executive Director of PILOT John Clark. “The PILOT Innovation Challenge works to identify creative ideas and offer solutions and strategies that benefit broadcasters and consumers alike.”

A panel of judges from the broadcast, venture capital, media and technology industries will choose 10 semi-finalists in late September. A smaller panel of judges will determine the winners. The first place winner will receive $20,000, second place $15,000 and third place $10,000 to assist with prototyping the winning concepts.

Additionally, the top three winners will receive expert guidance, access to key broadcast executives and exclusive exposure at industry events, such as NAB Show New York and NAB Show.

Submission information is available here. For additional information, click here or contact John Clark.

PILOT, formerly NAB Labs, is a coalition of innovators, educators and advocates dedicated to advancing broadcast technology and cultivating new media opportunities. PILOT propels broadcast television and radio into the future. It provides a platform for innovation, an engine for incubation, a venue for testing new technologies and a forum for broadcaster education. Learn more at

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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