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February 9, 2016

NAB Education Foundation Accepting Applications for Two Leadership Programs

-- Broadcast Leadership Training application deadline is May 31 --

-- Executive Development Seminar application deadline is June 30 --

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) is currently accepting applications for two leadership development programs: Broadcast Leadership Training (BLT) and the Executive Development Seminar (EDS). The BLT program is designed to prepare senior-level broadcasters to advance into ownership or executive positions. EDS provides broadcast managers and professionals with tools to increase managerial effectiveness and advance career opportunities.

Broadcast Leadership Training is a 10-month, MBA-style program that guides participants through the process of assessing, purchasing, owning and operating radio and television stations. It is taught by senior level broadcast managers, FCC staff, communications attorneys, investors and members of the banking community, as well as academic faculty from leading universities. The training begins in September with meetings one weekend a month, and fellowship opportunities are available.

Held June 17-21 at NAB headquarters, EDS teaches attendees to meet the challenges of the rapidly evolving business environment of broadcasting. Participants learn effective negotiation strategies, develop peer networks, and learn how to establish a successful managerial style. Fellowship opportunities are also available.

“Both the BLT and EDS programs provide broadcast industry professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to further enhance their skillsets,” said NABEF President Marcellus Alexander. “The information obtained and connections made provide a more direct path to professional career advancement for participants.”

Applications for BLT are being accepted until Tuesday, May 31. Early bird registration for EDS ends Tuesday, May 31 and regular registration runs until Thursday, June 30.

More information on NABEF and its programs can be found here.

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving broadcasters and the public interest by supporting and advocating community service, diversity, education and broadcasting issues and trends. Learn more at

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