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January 5, 2016
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Statement on Pallone Broadcast Incentive Auction Draft Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to the introduction by House Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) of a draft bill to help safeguard consumers’ TV signals following the broadcast incentive auction, the following statement can be attributed to NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton:

"NAB strongly supports House Commerce Ranking Member Pallone’s pro-consumer TV auction discussion draft legislation. Millions of viewers reliant on broadcast television could be seriously harmed if this auction is not handled correctly. Ranking Member Pallone is proposing a smart, consumer-friendly approach that addresses urgent ‘repacking’ issues that must be addressed to achieve a successful and truly voluntary incentive auction. NAB looks forward to working in a bipartisan fashion to protect broadcast viewers in communities across the country."

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