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July 18, 2014
Ann Marie Cumming
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Winners Announced for 2014 Radio Show Creative Edge Panelist Challenge

WASHINGTON, D.C./NEW YORK -- Three winners were selected for the 2014 Radio Show Creative Edge Panelist Challenge: Kelly Jarvis, digital director, 95.1 SHINE-FM Baltimore; Jason Skaggs, production director, WGN-AM Chicago; and Rick Balis, program director, KSHE-FM and KIHT-FM St. Louis. These individuals will participate on a panel titled "It Starts at the Top: Reinvigorating Station Creativity."

The Radio Show, held September 10-12 in Indianapolis, is produced by the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB).

The Creative Edge Panelists Challenge, announced last month, sought one program director, one digital director and one production director. Contestants were encouraged to submit fresh ideas on incorporating creativity into on-air and online content. Winners will receive complimentary registration to the 2014 Radio Show and a $1,000 travel stipend, courtesy of Salem Communications.

The panel, to be held September 10 at 10:15 a.m., will focus on how top stations incorporate creative elements into all content, including on-air, online, branding and commercials. Balis, Jarvis and Skaggs will share their views on the elements of compelling creative and discuss how managers can cultivate and sustain a dedication to creativity across departments. Dave Santrella, president, Radio Division, Salem Communications will moderate.

"What we do on air, with our websites and how we treat both the imaging and local commercial production on our radio stations either signifies that we are a part of the local community or that we are a distant relative," Santrella said. "I am thrilled with the group of experts we have assembled to give us a peek ‘behind the curtain’ to see how the best of the best get it done."

Rick Balis is vice president and director of programming for Emmis St. Louis and program director for KSHE-FM and KIHT-FM. He started at KSHE in 1976, began doing the afternoon drive in 1977 and moved into programming in 1980. In 2008, he led the launch of a unique ten station rock radio network in Bulgaria.

Kelly Jarvis, digital director at Peter and John Radio Fellowships’ WRBS-FM Baltimore, manages all websites, streaming and text services. Previously, she was senior manager of digital broadcast marketing and revenue for iBiquity Digital. She helped stations gain revenue from HD Radio multicast channels, managed and created partnerships between stations and HD Radio manufacturers, retailers and automakers.

Jason Skaggs, production director for Tribune’s WGN Chicago, has won two Radio Mercury Awards from the RAB and many local advertising and state broadcaster awards in Missouri and Illinois. Before joining WGN, he worked as creative director for Zimmer Radio Group in Joplin, Mo from 1995-2005 and as corporate creative director for Cumulus in Atlanta from 2005-2010.

News media interested in covering the 2014 Radio Show should click here to register.

About the Radio Show
The 2014 Radio Show, produced by the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), will be held September 10-12 in Indianapolis. This year's show brings radio broadcasters and industry colleagues together to share knowledge, discover the latest innovations, network with industry leaders and explore creative business strategies for the digital age. To learn more about the 2014 Radio Show, visit

About RAB
The Radio Advertising Bureau serves more than 6,000 member Radio stations in the U.S. and over 1,000 member networks, representative firms, broadcast vendors, and international organizations. RAB leads and participates in educational, research, sales, and advocacy programs that promote and advance Radio as a primary advertising medium.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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