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June 18, 2014
Dennis Wharton
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Actions of the NAB Board of Directors

WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Association of Broadcasters Board of Directors met for its regularly scheduled June board meeting in Washington, D.C. Below is a summary of the meetings:

June 16-17, 2014


NAB Joint Board Chairman Charles M. Warfield Jr., senior advisor of YMF Media LLC, called the meeting to order. After roll call, the minutes and executive summary of the February 2014 Board meeting were approved.


Charles Warfield nominated Gordon Smith as NAB president and CEO. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Board.

Paul Karpowicz, president of Meredith Corporation - Local Media Group, nominated Chief Financial Officer Joy Whitlow as NAB secretary/treasurer. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Board.

Dan Mason, president and CEO of CBS Radio, nominated Charles Warfield as NAB joint board chairman. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Board.


Mr. Warfield welcomed new Radio Board members: Steven Cutler, executive vice president of Business Development and Corporate Strategy at Clear Channel; Gary Exline, general manager of Eagle Communications; Kim Guthrie, executive vice president of Cox Media Group; Ginny Morris, chair of Hubbard Radio; Tony Richards, vice president of Federated Media; Tom Walker, president of Mid-West Family Broadcasting; and John Wharff, owner of Jawco Inc.

New Television Board members: Rebecca Hanson, senior vice president for Strategy and Policy at Sinclair Broadcast Group; Vincent Sadusky, president and CEO of Lin Media; and Kim Harris, executive vice president and general counsel of NBCUniversal.

Mr. Warfield updated the Board on NAB advocacy initiatives pertaining to the spectrum incentive auction, performance tax and reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA).

Mr. Warfield announced that NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith had agreed to a contract extension that will keep him in the position until December 31, 2018. He closed by thanking the Board for their engagement and leadership and for their work in securing a vibrant future for broadcasters.


Gordon Smith stressed that the mutual support of the NAB Radio and TV Boards has been critical to the association's success in helping broadcasters achieve public policy goals. Mr. Smith said that given the challenging environment at the FCC and the flurry of legislative activity potentially impacting broadcasters, "There has never been more incoming fire, and it's never been a more important time for unity (in our industry)."

Mr. Smith warned of game-changing policy developments, including reauthorization of STELA, the Aereo case, possible legislative vehicles for a performance tax and spectrum incentive auction implementation fraught with difficulty.

Mr. Smith also noted that broadcast's adversaries are spending millions of dollars in Washington in an effort to damage the ability of local radio and TV stations to serve our millions of listeners and viewers.


NAB Executive Vice President of Legal & Regulatory Affairs Jane Mago briefed the Board on recent political file complaints and NAB's active role in educating broadcasters and advertisers to ensure compliance with online reporting requirements for political advertising.

Ms. Mago updated the Board on the Copyright Office's Music Licensing Study, the Dept. of Justice antitrust division review of ASCAP and BMI consent decrees, media ownership actions taken by the FCC, and the impact of consolidation on the regulatory environment.

NAB Executive Vice President of Government Relations Kelly Cole provided an overview of congressional activities related to broadcast issues, including bipartisan congressional concern over the FCC's JSA decision, the status of pending Reporter Shield legislation supported by NAB, and legislative and administrative developments surrounding Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs or "drones") used for newsgathering.

Ms. Cole discussed NAB plans to host a briefing for the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) on broadcast issues later this month.


NAB Executive Vice President of Conventions and Business Operations Chris Brown shared highlights and final attendance figures from the 2014 NAB Show, held April 5-10 in Las Vegas. Mr. Brown noted the continued growth of SPROCKIT, a program that gives market-ready startup companies the opportunity to present their products or services directly to influencers in media and entertainment.

Mr. Brown updated the Board on the upcoming Radio Show in September and plans for the Content and Communications World (CCW) + Satellite Communications Conference and Expo (SATCON) events recently purchased by NAB from JD Events. CCW + SATCON are held annually in November and are co-located at the Javits Convention Center in New York City.


Michael J. Fiorile, vice chairman and CEO of The Dispatch Broadcast Group, updated the Board on plans to relocate the NAB headquarters to a location closer to Capitol Hill.


NABEF President Marcellus Alexander outlined the Foundation's mission and success and briefed the Board on programs, activities and initiatives of NABEF. Mr. Alexander highlighted the Celebration of Service to America Awards scheduled for Tuesday, June 17 at the National Building Museum.


NABPAC Director Jennifer Stong updated the Board on activities and fundraising efforts of NAB's political action committee.


NAB Chief Financial Officer Joy Whitlow briefed the Board on budget-related issues.


June 17, 2014


Television Board Chairman Marci Burdick, senior vice president of Broadcasting and Cable, Schurz Communications, Inc., called the Television Board to order. After a call of the roll, minutes of the February, 2014 Board meeting were approved.


Michael Fiorile, vice chairman and CEO of The Dispatch Group, nominated Dave Lougee, president of Gannett Broadcasting, as chairman of the NAB Television Board. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Television Board.

Dave Lougee nominated Brian Lawlor, senior vice president, Television, The E.W. Scripps Company, as first vice chair of the Television Board. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Television Board.

Dave Lougee nominated Marci Burdick as second vice chair of the Television Board. After the nomination was seconded, it was approved unanimously by the Television Board.

Ms. Burdick noted that Kevin Cuddihy, president, Univision Television Group, will assume the designated network seat on the NAB executive committee and thanked Brandon Burgess, chairman and CEO of ION Media Networks, for his service on the Board.


Marcellus Alexander briefed the Board on television membership status and ongoing activities and events, including the upcoming Small Market Television Exchange in September, NAB Futures in November and various training programs.


Kathleen Fox, senior research director, WJLA-TV/NewsChannel 8, Allbritton Communications and a member of COLTAM, briefed the Television Board on the potential impact of Nielsen's Local Sample Expansion initiative on local station demographics data.


NAB Executive Vice President of Government Relations Kelly Cole briefed the Board on congressional activities and NAB advocacy efforts related to STELA reauthorization and retransmission consent. Ms. Cole outlined different versions of legislation in various stages of committee and noted NAB's support for a "clean" reauthorization as offered in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Jane Mago updated the Board on regulatory issues surrounding retransmission consent, including the FCC's move to ban joint negotiations.


Jane Mago updated the Board on regulatory issues affecting broadcasters, including challenges to network non-duplication and syndicated exclusivity rules, broadcast ownership and shared service agreements, proposed changes to closed captioning and electronic news gathering requirements, pending FCC court challenges and the Aereo Supreme Court case. Ms. Mago also discussed the impact of consolidation on the regulatory climate.


NAB Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning, Rick Kaplan updated the Board on details of the FCC's implementation of the spectrum incentive auction, including timing of the auction and issues related to repacking, protection of coverage areas, LPTV/translators and wireless mics.

Kelly Cole briefed the Board on congressional activities and NAB advocacy related to spectrum incentive auction oversight.


NABPAC Co-Chairman Ralph Oakley updated the Board on activities and fundraising efforts of NAB's political action committee.


June 18, 2014


NAB Radio Board Chairman Don Benson, president and CEO of Lincoln Financial Media, called the meeting to order. After roll call, the minutes of the February 2014 Board meeting were accepted.


Following a nomination from Bob Proffitt, president/COO, Alpha Broadcasting, Don Benson was re-elected Radio Board chairman by unanimous vote.

Following a nomination from Joe Schwartz, president and CEO of Cherry Creek Radio LLC, Mary Quass, president and CEO of NRG Media LLC, was elected Radio Board first vice chairman by unanimous vote.

Following a nomination from Jeff Simpson of Bonneville International Corp., Pat Walsh, COO, Emmis Communications Corporation, was elected Radio Board second vice chairman by unanimous vote.

Following a nomination from David Field, president and CEO of Entercom Communications Corporation, Dan Mason, president and CEO, CBS Radio, was elected to the Radio Board's major group representative seat on the NAB executive committee by unanimous vote.


NAB Executive Vice President of Radio John David and Dianna Babb Coleman, vice president of NAB Membership Sales, updated the Radio Board on radio membership activities and initiatives. Mr. David recapped NAB Show in April and previewed highlights for the 2014 Radio Show in Indianapolis in September. Mr. David also discussed NAB's new Summer Webcast Series for Radio and encouraged Radio Board members to attend NAB Futures in November.


Kelly Cole updated the Radio Board on legislative issues affecting radio broadcasters, including performance tax and music licensing. Ms. Cole noted growing support (over a majority in the House) for the NAB-backed pro-broadcaster Local Radio Freedom Act and briefed the Board on the proposed "Songwriter Equity Act." Ms. Cole also briefed the Board and sought feedback on legislation that would impose royalty payments for pre-1972 sound recordings.

Jane Mago briefed the Board on regulatory issues related to FM translators/low power FM, Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) litigation of new streaming rates and proposed changes to CRB recordkeeping and reporting requirements.


NAB Senior Vice President of Technology Lynn Claudy updated the Radio Board on NAB Labs' activities related to all-digital AM testing. Mr. Claudy also briefed the Board on hybrid FM radio developments, including enhanced features of NextRadio and the industry's increased adoption of the technology.


NAB Executive Vice President of Marketing Michelle Lehman briefed the Radio Board on NAB efforts to promote hybrid FM radio.


NABPAC Co-Chairman Bill McElveen updated the Board on matters pertaining to the NAB Political Action Committee (NABPAC) and thanked the NAB Board for their support.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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