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March 20, 2014
Ann Marie Cumming
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NAB Show Dominates as Leading Global Event for Media and Entertainment

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- NAB Show will host 62 international delegations, including delegations attending for the first time from Germany, the Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Italy and Serbia. Approximately 30 percent of the event's 90,000+ attendees will travel from 155 countries to NAB Show, held April 5-10 in Las Vegas. NAB Show is the world's largest annual conference and expo for professionals who create, manage and distribute entertainment across all platforms.

"The international scope of NAB Show continues to grow, representing a huge segment of the event's attendee and exhibitor base," said NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton. "In April, we will once again bring the world of media and entertainment together in Las Vegas, where at NAB Show connections will be made, business will be done and ideas will be shared."

NAB Show participates in the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Buyer Program, which recruits international trade delegations to select U.S. trade shows and connects international buyers with U.S. suppliers.

NAB Show's Exhibit Hall will host nearly 600 companies that are based outside of the United States. From global leaders like Sony (Japan) to hundreds of others like Vizrt (Norway), Dalet Digital (France), and Quantel (UK), these international companies will showcase cutting-edge technology solutions and services from around the world. The exhibition will also feature pavilions from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Korea and the UK, as well the Department of Commerce's U.S. Export Pavilion.

NAB Show also offers an International Trade Center (ITC) that features onsite services for international guests, including Commercial Trade Specialists and multi-lingual staff in up to eight languages. This year, the International Trade Center will be located in the South Hall Upper Lobby of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

NAB Show this year launched the "NAB Show Collaborative," an initiative focused on leading the global media and entertainment industry through partnerships with international organizations and events, offering best-in-class education, open dialogue and showcased technologies to inspire growth and innovation to all segments of the industry, from content creation to consumption.

About NAB Show
NAB Show, held April 5-10, 2014 in Las Vegas, is the world's largest electronic media show covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. With more than 93,000 attendees from 156 countries and 1,550+ exhibitors, NAB Show is the ultimate marketplace for digital media and entertainment. From creation to consumption, across multiple platforms and countless nationalities, NAB Show is home to the solutions that transcend traditional broadcasting and embrace content delivery to new screens in new ways. Complete details are available at

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