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September 30, 2011
Dennis Wharton
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KXRM-TV/KXTU Receives Best of the Best Honors in Money Makers Competition

NAB Small Market Television Exchange Achieves Attendance Record

Washington, D.C. - NAB announced Barrington Broadcasting's KXRM-TV/KXTU in Colorado Springs, CO received the Best of the Best honors at the NAB Small Market Television Money Makers Competition. The winning entry, "KidsCasters," was selected from more than 130 entries and was awarded during the Small Market Television Exchange, held September 22-24, 2011 in Austin, TX.

KidsCasters offers children from the local community in grades four through six the chance to win the opportunity to give the weather report on Friday mornings. The children selected tour the station, learn about the weather equipment and give the weather report live during the morning news. The video is posted to the station's website after the newscast. Sponsors receive exposure through logo placement on a promotional tag and billboard before the segment goes live.

The promotion increased the station's overall website traffic and provided positive branding within the local community.

This year's Small Market Television Exchange attracted record-high attendance. More than 500 small market broadcasters and group executives from across the country gathered to learn strategies and techniques for boosting profits through effective sales practices.

"Small market broadcasters are increasingly recognizing the value proposition offered by this event. Group executives attending the Roundtable share operational strategies of unique relevance to their stations. At the Exchange, sales managers leave with ideas they can immediately use to generate incremental revenue," said Executive Vice President, Television Marcellus Alexander.

Session topics included sales structure, non-traditional revenue, branding, customer service and finding the emotional messages in marketing. Session panelists also explored opportunities in automotive and health care industries and digital content.

Senator Gordon Smith awarded the 2011 Chuck Sherman Leadership Award to Frank Schurz, Chairman of Schurz Communications on Thursday night.

About NAB Small Market Television Exchange and Roundtable
The Small Market Television Exchange, now in its 25th year, is the only national meeting devoted exclusively to television stations in demographic market areas #75 and above. The Exchange focuses on innovative strategies to attract emerging and non-traditional advertisers and suggestions to enhance the station's position in the local marketplace. The Roundtable is an annual meeting for broadcast owners and major corporate executives who are responsible for the financial success and overall operations of the group. Participants exchange ideas on how they can lead their organizations more creatively and effectively.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at

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