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June 29, 2011

NAB Show Opens 2012 Call for Speakers

--Show organizers launch speaker networking tool and form Program Advisory Group--

WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Association of Broadcasters is calling on digital and entertainment media professionals and members of the NAB Show content community to become more active participants in the development of the overall education program for the NAB Show. Tools to accomplish this include an all-industry Call for Speakers, a LinkedIn speaker alumni community, and a Program Advisory Group.

All interested professionals are encouraged to submit presentation or session proposals for the 2012 NAB Show, held April 14-19 in Las Vegas, prior to the entry deadline of October 21. Submissions must be relevant to the creation and distribution of media and filmed entertainment content, or address emerging trends and their impact on the media business.

Emphasis areas for the 2012 NAB Show program include: broadcast engineering, broadcast management and strategy, content creation and commerce and military/government applications. As always, the NAB Show educational program will focus heavily on technology. Event organizers will consider proposals on new media for multiple platforms, new business models, and the impact of new technologies and marketplace realities on existing businesses and creative processes.

For submission contact information and additional information on topics considered for proposal submissions, click here.

In addition to the 2012 Call for Speakers, the NAB Show has launched a Speaker Alumni Group through LinkedIn, designed to provide media and entertainment professionals who have contributed to the NAB Show in the past an opportunity to engage with show organizers and each other throughout the year. To request membership in the group, visit LinkedIn and search "NAB Show Speaker Alumni."

The NAB Show is also forming a Program Advisory Group, comprising industry leaders and subject matter experts, who will provide feedback on overall conference design and suggest new areas of programming to address the evolving media and entertainment landscape. Nominations for this group may be sent to NAB Show staff via email to

About the NAB Show
The NAB Show, held annually in Las Vegas, is the world's largest electronic media show covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. With more than 90,000 attendees from 151 countries and 1,500+ exhibitors, the NAB Show is the ultimate marketplace for digital media and entertainment. From creation to consumption, across multiple platforms and countless nationalities, the NAB Show is home to the solutions that transcend traditional broadcasting and embrace content delivery to new screens in new ways. Complete details are available at

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at


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