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February 2, 2010

NAB Education Foundation Debuts Call to Service Collegiate Competition

--NAB and McCormick Foundation sponsor new competition that pairs students' community service projects with local broadcasters--

WASHINGTON, DC--A new competition combining student initiatives and local broadcasters is open nationwide to college communications students, the NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) announced today. Sponsored by NABEF and the McCormick Foundation, the Call to Service Collegiate Competition will give students the opportunity to create a unique community service project that will be highlighted by a partnering local radio or television broadcaster. Winners will be honored during the 2010 NABEF Celebration of Service to America Awards, held at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill Monday, June 14.

The competition challenges communications students to develop and submit a proposal designed to benefit their local communities. NABEF will select up to 20 submissions to compete for scholarships awards, and will also identify potential broadcast partners for the selected finalists. Additionally, students may choose to partner with their college broadcast stations. Broadcasters will assist with the student community service projects in a variety of ways, including highlighting the project during newscasts, participating in events planned by the student and running PSAs for the event. Throughout the project, students will hone their journalism skills and chronicle their experiences by contributing video blogs with a mini-camcorder provided by NABEF.

Each entry will be judged based on creativity, community involvement and use of media and technology to chronicle the project. First and second place winners will receive free travel accommodations for the 2010 NABEF Celebration of Service to America Awards, where they will be honored for their contributions to their local communities. Additionally, winning entries will receive the scholarships and matched donations listed below:

1st Place: $10,000 Scholarship Charity of 1st Place Project: $10,000 Donation
2nd Place: $5,000 Scholarship Charity of 2nd Place Project: $5,000 Donation
3rd Place: $2,000 Scholarship Charity of 3rd Place Project: $2,000 Donation

For additional competition information, click here.

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving broadcasters and the public interest by supporting and advocating community service, diversity, education and broadcasting issues and trends.

About the McCormick Foundation
The McCormick Foundation believes there is nothing more critical to the vitality of a democracy than a free, vigorous and diverse news media, providing citizens with information they need to make reasoned decisions. This furthers the Foundation's overall mission to strengthen our democratic society by investing in children, communities and country. Through its various programs the Foundation helps to build a more active and engaged citizenry. The McCormick Foundation is one of the nation's largest charities, with more than $1 billion in assets. For more information, please visit

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The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at


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