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February 1, 2010

Phil Hendrie to Keynote NAB Show Radio Luncheon

WASHINGTON -- – Nationally syndicated radio host and satirist Phil Hendrie will be the keynote speaker at the NAB Show Radio Luncheon, sponsored by ASCAP, on April 13 in Las Vegas. Hendrie, whose career also includes both television and motion pictures, will demonstrate the role of radio as an entertainment platform.

"Throughout his career, Phil Hendrie has never lost his passion for radio," said NAB Executive Vice President of Radio John David. "We look forward to what he has in store for us during this year's NAB Show Radio Luncheon."

"The Phil Hendrie Show," nationally syndicated by Talk Radio Network – FM, airs on 100 radio stations nationwide. As host of his program, Hendrie welcomes his cast of fictional characters, all of whom he plays himself, providing listeners with a humorous and sometimes controversial perspective resulting in unforgettable, quality entertainment.

In addition to radio, film and television, Hendrie has regularly voiced characters on FOX’s popular animated series "King of the Hill" and "Futurama" for the last 10 years.

About Phil Hendrie
Hendrie started out as a disc jockey at WBJW 1440 AM in Winter Park, Fla. and worked at various stations across the country for 15 years. Then he decided to pursue talk radio and moved to Los Angeles to debut as a weekend host at KFI-AM 640. In 1990 at KVEN-AM in Ventura, Calif., Hendrie introduced his first fictional character on air – an Iraqi, Raj Feenan. The Gulf War was happening and Feenan vociferously defended Saddam Hussein. Thinking he was a real person, listeners went ballistic and the phones lit up. An entire cast of characters would evolve from that moment on, marking Hendrie's place in radio history.

About the 2010 NAB Show
The NAB Show will take place 10-15 April, 2010 in Las Vegas (exhibits open 12 April). It is the world's largest electronic media show covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. Complete details are available at

News media registration is now available online. Click here to register as press for the NAB Show.

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The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at


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