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December 2, 2008
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Applauds Mobile DTV 'Candidate Standard' Approval

--Preliminary Standard for Mobile Digital TV Broadcasting Will Create New Opportunities for Stations, Networks--

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Association of Broadcasters today applauded the work of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), which announced today that its specification for mobile digital TV broadcasting has been approved as a 'candidate standard.'

"Broadcasters deliver the highest-rated and most compelling programming of any video platform, and bringing our content to new mobile devices is a chief objective of NAB," said NAB President and CEO David K. Rehr. "Today's announcement represents a tremendous step forward for our viewers and the entire broadcast television community."

In January, a study commissioned and released by the NAB technology advocacy program known as FASTROAD (Flexible Advanced Services for Television & Radio On All Devices), reported that broadcast TV could reap an additional $2 billion in annual revenue by 2012 delivering content to mobile and handheld devices if an industry standard is adopted and technology deployed quickly.

The report concluded that the success of new mobile and handheld (M/H) DTV services in the U.S. will be maximized if an industry-accepted ATSC standard for M/H DTV is released by early 2009 and universally adopted for M/H broadcasting.

Today's ATSC announcement that a preliminary or 'candidate standard' has been approved represents a major step toward achieving this goal.

NAB FASTROAD (Flexible Advanced Services for Television & Radio On All Devices) is the technology advocacy program of the National Association of Broadcasters. The overall mission of the FASTROAD program is to seek and facilitate development and commercialization of new technologies that can be exploited by broadcasters using radio and television broadcast spectrum.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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