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November 4, 2008
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Statement on Today's FCC 'White Spaces' Vote

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Federal Communications Commission adopted a rule today allowing unlicensed, personal-portable devices to operate in television spectrum.

Commenting on today's ruling, NAB Executive Vice President Dennis Wharton issued the following statement:

"While we appreciate the FCC's attempt to address significant issues raised by broadcasters and others, every American who values interference-free TV should be concerned by today's Commission vote. By moving the 'white space' vote forward, the Commission appears to have bypassed meaningful public or peer review in a proceeding of grave importance to the future of television.

"Fortunately, today's vote is just the beginning of a fight on behalf of the 110 million households that rely on television for news, entertainment, and lifesaving emergency information. Going forward, NAB and our allies will work with policymakers to ensure that consumers can access innovative broadband applications without jeopardizing interference-free TV."

Leading up to today's FCC vote, the following organizations, companies, individuals and lawmakers publicly expressed opposition or concern over the FCC's proposed 'white spaces' action.

Association of Maximum Service Television (MSTV)
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
National Cable Telecommunications Association
Association of Public Television Stations
Radio-Television News Directors Association
Wireless Internet Service Providers Association
New York City Council
National Football League
National Basketball Association
Major League Baseball
The Walt Disney Company
CBS Television Network
NBC Universal
FOX Television Network
ABC Affiliates Association
CBS Affiliates Association
NBC Affiliates Association
South Carolina State Emergency Communications Committee
Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
North American Broadcasters Association
Shure, Inc.
LG Electronics
Mitsubishi Electronics
Spanish-language broadcasters Telemundo and ZGS Communications
Harrah's Entertainment
MGM Mirage
Every individual state broadcast association
The Shubert Organization, America's oldest professional theater company
The National Grange
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
More than 100 recording artists including Dolly Parton, Neil Diamond, Dixie Chicks, Clay Aiken and Guns N' Roses
American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
Country Music Association (CMA)
Grand Ole Opry
International Music Products Association (NAMM)
Recording Artists' Coalition (RAC)
Saddleback Church Senior Pastor Rick Warren
Lakewood Church Senior Pastor Joel Osteen
60 Plus Association
National Defense Council Foundation
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Americans for Tax Reform
Liberty Coalition
Americans for Prosperity
Capital Research Center
Republicans for Choice
Citizens Against Higher Taxes
Institute for Liberty
Frontiers of Freedom

House Commerce Committee Chairman John Dingell (D-MI)
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY)
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY)
Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY)
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM)
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Sen. Jeff Bingamen (D-NM)
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)
Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL)
Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
Rep. Mark Steven Kirk (R-IL)
Rep. Jon Porter (R-NV)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-MO)
Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN)
Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA)
Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC)
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)
Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (R-SC)
Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)
Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)
Rep. Al Green (D-TX)
Rep. Thomas Price (R-GA)
Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-TN)
Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)
Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH)
Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN)
Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO)
Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA)
Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH)
Rep. Henry Brown (R-SC)
Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)
Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN)
Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT)
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
Rep. C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger (D-MD)
Rep. Jo Bonner (R-AL)
Rep. Sanford Bishop Jr. (D-GA)
Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC)
Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN)
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC)
Rep. John Barrow (D-GA)
Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME)
Rep. John McHugh (R-NY)
Rep. Gene Green (D-TX)
American Legislative Exchange Council
American Civil Rights Union
Government Accountability Project
The Harbour League
Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights
Media Freedom Project

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. As the voice of more than 8,300 radio and television stations, NAB advances their interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age. Learn more at


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