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March 10, 2008

NAB Crystal Radio Awards Finalists Announced

WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Association of Broadcasters announced the 50 finalists for the 2008 Crystal Radio Awards competition today. Since 1987, the NAB Crystal Radio Awards have recognized radio stations for their outstanding year-round commitment to community service.

This year's finalists are:

KABC-AM Los Angeles, CA WBEB-FM Philadelphia, PA
KBIG-FM Los Angeles, CA WCMT-AM Martin, TN
KCVM-FM Cedar Falls, IA WDAY-AM Fargo, ND
KFOR-AM Lincoln, NE WDBR-FM Springfield, IL
KGO-AM San Francisco, CA WDFN-AM Detroit, MI
KIRO-AM Seattle, WA WDRV-FM Chicago, IL
KKLI-FM Colorado Springs, CO WFLS-FM Fredericksburg, VA
KMJM-FM St. Louis, MO WGCV-AM Columbia, SC
KNOX-AM Grand Forks, ND WGN-AM Chicago, IL
KOGA-AM Ogallala, NE WGY-AM Latham, NY
KOZT-FM Fort Bragg, CA WHIZ-AM Zanesville, OH
KPKX-FM Phoenix, AZ WHUR-FM Washington, DC
KPRS-FM Kansas City, MO WILV-FM Chicago, IL
KRAI-FM Craig, CO WIZM-AM La Crosse, WI
KRSP-FM Salt Lake City, UT WJBC-AM Bloomington, IL
KSFI-FM Salt Lake City, UT WKRQ-FM Cincinnati, OH
KSJQ-FM St. Joseph, MO WLEN-FM Adrian, MI
KSL-AM Salt Lake City, UT WQNZ-FM Natchez, MS
KSTZ-FM Des Moines, IA WRVW-FM Nashville, TN
KUAD-FM Windsor, CO WSBA-AM York, PA
KUDL-FM Kansas City, MO WSNA-FM Memphis, TN
KUZZ-FM Bakersfield, CA WSYR-AM Syracuse, NY
KYKX-FM Longview, TX WUBE-FM Cincinnati, OH
KZEN-FM Columbus, NE WUGO-FM Grayson, KY
WAWZ-FM Zarephath, NJ WYCT-FM Pensacola, FL

Crystal Radio Award finalists were chosen by a panel of judges representing broadcasting, community service organizations and public relations firms. Finalists will be honored and winners announced at the Radio Luncheon, sponsored by ASCAP, on Tuesday, April 15, during the NAB Show in Las Vegas.

The Radio Luncheon will feature a keynote address by Robert Pittman, MTV co-founder and former Co-COO of AOL Time Warner. Legendary radio personality Larry Lujack will be inducted into the NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame. WUSL-FM also will receive the inaugural NAB Crystal Heritage Award for long-term commitment to community service, in recognition of the station winning its fifth Crystal Radio Award in 2007.

About the 2008 NAB Show
The NAB Show will take place April 11 - 17, 2008 in Las Vegas (exhibits open April 14). It is the world's largest electronic media show covering the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. Complete details are available at

Online registration is now available for news media reporters interested in covering the NAB Show. Click here for additional information.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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