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December 6, 2007

NABEF, NSPME Partner to Promote Student Mock Election Program

WASHINGTON, DC - The NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) announced today that it will partner with the National Student/Parent Mock Election (NSPME) on a campaign to encourage students to become more involved in the election process. The groups will partner to promote National Student Mock Election Day, October 30, 2008.

NABEF is encouraging radio and television stations throughout the country to cover mock elections in local school districts and to sponsor school activities leading up to National Student Mock Election Day. The National Student/Parent Mock Election is the nation's largest voter education program, and is designed to make students and parents aware of the power of their ballot by actively involving them in a full-fledged campaign and national election.

"Local broadcasters are uniquely positioned to positively impact this worthwhile initiative," said NAB President and CEO David K. Rehr. "We are proud to partner with NSPME in this campaign to encourage American students to understand the voting process, an essential element in sustaining a strong democracy.

"This is a splendid opportunity for educators and student leaders to work with their TV and radio stations all across the country and make the voices of young voters heard. In the classrooms of today are presidents, senators, congressmen, governors, judges, and most importantly, the citizens and voters of tomorrow," said NSPME President Gloria Kirshner.

To assist local broadcasters, NABEF will develop a Mock Election Tool Kit with materials needed to begin partnering with schools. The tool kit will be will be accessible in mid-January on NABEF's Web site

NABEF's Station Mock Election Took Kit will include:

  • Ideas on ways stations can participate
  • Contact information at the state and school district level
  • Ideas for Public Service Announcements to alert educators, students and parents to the program
  • Sample letter to school officials inviting them to partner with the station
  • Sample press release
  • Poster to distribute to schools

The tool kit will also provide access to NPSME's Parent/Teacher Guide, which includes a sample ballot and other important information for distribution to their local schools.

The NAB Education Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the public interest in supporting and advocating: education and training programs, strategies to increase diversity, initiatives stressing the importance of the First Amendment, community service, philanthropy and timely broadcasting issues.

The National Student/Parent Mock Election is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization run by a nationwide network of volunteer state and school district coordinators including the League of Women Voters, educators, public officials and other organizations who put hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours into the project.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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