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November 28, 2007
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Statement on Yesterday's LPFM Actions by the FCC

WASHINGTON, DC – - Responding to last night's FCC actions regarding low-power FM, the following statements can be attributed to NAB Executive Vice President Dennis Wharton:

On the general actions:

"We look forward to reviewing the final text of the Commission's action, which will provide broadcasters with a better understanding of the rules going forward. However, in general, NAB is pleased the Commission clarified that LPFM stations must indeed be locally-owned with locally-originated programming, and limits ownership to one station per licensee."

On the issue of the FCC considering granting enhanced stature to LPFM:

"We share the concerns expressed by Commissioners Tate and McDowell about the Commission's decision to adopt interim processing guidelines without full notice and opportunity for comment, but we look forward to working with the Commission to find a solution that works for all."

On the recommendation by the FCC to Congress to eliminate 3rd adjacent channel protections:

"Though this is a recommendation identical to one made several years ago by the FCC, NAB continues to believe that statutory third-adjacent channel protections are critically important to protect listeners against interference. The idea that hundreds, if not thousands, of additional LPFM stations can be shoe-horned into an overcrowded radio dial without causing considerable interference simply defies the laws of physics."

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