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October 1, 2007

New Sessions, Record Pre-Registration at the 15th Annual NAB European Radio Conference

WASHINGTON, DC – Exhibit space is sold out and pre-registered attendance has reached a record high for the annual NAB European Radio Conference held this year at the Hotel Arts in Barcelona, Spain beginning Sunday, 4 November.

Pre-registration has increased by over 30 percent from last year's show, due in part to the new events featured at this year's conference, now in its 15th year. Highlights for this year's show include the introduction of the NAB Podcasting Summit produced by Future Media Concepts. The summit, a full-day program, will feature new-media expert and nationally syndicated talk show host David Lawrence and RHED Pixel President Richard Harrington. The summit takes place 4 November and includes five sessions that will examine the skills needed to start a podcast, essential techniques for promoting and expanding the podcast audience, and an exploration into advanced audio and visual podcasting. Registration details and additional information about the summit can be found at

Also debuting during the NAB European Radio Conference is the Global Traffic Network (GTN) European Radio Awards, an evening of dinner, entertainment and awards that recognizes outstanding achievements among European radio stations and showcases the best radio professionals across the continent. Organized by Talkabout Media and supported by NAB, the ceremony is sponsored by Jones TM and Broadcast Architecture and will take place the evening of 5 November at the Hotel Arts.

"We are very excited about NAB Europe, and grateful for all the support we have received from European radio organizations as we prepare for this exciting event," said Margaret Cassilly, vice president of international operations at NAB. "Their contributions and support will help make this year's conference a rousing success while providing radio professionals with vital knowledge on how to advance radio station capabilities, provide value-added products and services to listeners, and how to remain competitive in this industry."

Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Catalan will be provided by the Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació of the Generalitat de Catalunya, (Catalonian Regional Government). Information about the Associació Catalana de Ràdio (ACR), the Asociación Española de Radiodifusión Comercial (AERC), and the Association of European Radios (AER), organizations supporting NAB Europe, as well as information about the two new partners, Future Media Concepts and Talkabout Media, can be found here.

About The NAB European Radio Conference
The NAB European Radio Conference is the premiere gathering of radio broadcasters in Europe. This year's show takes place November 4 - 6 in Barcelona, Spain. More information about The NAB European Radio Conference is available at

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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