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September 21, 2007
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Statement on Microsoft's New Assertions Related to Interference-Causing Devices

WASHINGTON, DC – - According to an FCC ex parte filing, representatives from Microsoft and Philips Electronics yesterday met with FCC officials to discuss proposed unlicensed personal, portable devices that FCC tests have shown would interfere with broadcast television reception.

The Microsoft and Philips representatives now claim to have developed a device that detects television signals "with 100% accuracy."

Responding to these assertions, the following statement can be attributed to NAB Executive Vice President Dennis Wharton:

"It's ironic that a company with a track-record of developing less-than-perfect products is now claiming to have invented a device that functions with '100 percent accuracy.' While frustrated users of Microsoft products have come to expect routine system errors and computer glitches, they do not expect the same to hold true for broadcast television service. As was shown in the FCC's July test results, the devices proposed by the White Space Coalition do not function as advertised. They do not detect broadcast signals, and they do interfere with TV reception."

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