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August 20, 2007

Bill Press To Speak During The NAB Radio Luncheon

WASHINGTON, DC - Bill Press, a veteran radio and television talk show commentator, will be the speaker during the Radio Luncheon at The NAB Radio Show on Friday, September 28 in Charlotte.

"The Bill Press Show: Hardline Liberal Talk With No Apologies" blends a progressive mix of political and pop culture news. Press draws from his extensive experience as a political commentator to tackle complex political issues. The program features prominent guests from Capitol Hill and beyond, with a focus on Congress, the President, presidential candidates and other inside-the-Beltway personalities. Nationally syndicated by Jones Radio Networks, the radio talk show airs weekdays from 6:00 – 9:00 am ET.

An award winning radio talk show host, Press has received numerous awards for his work, including "Best Commentator of the Year" by Associated Press. For six years, Press was co-host of CNN's Crossfire. He also co-anchored The Spin Room on CNN, with Tucker Carlson, and Buchanan and Press on MSNBC. Currently, Press writes a weekly, nationally syndicated newspaper column for Tribune Media Services.

The Radio Show Luncheon, sponsored by ASCAP, will honor Jerry Lee, the legendary independent owner of WBEB-FM Philadelphia with the National Radio Award.

About the NAB Radio Show
The NAB Radio Show is the largest annual convention for radio. This year's show, Sep. 26 - 28 in Charlotte, features interactive sessions, special events and exhibits and is co-located with the R&R Convention.

Reporters interested in covering The NAB Radio Show, can register online here. More information about The NAB Radio Show is available at

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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