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July 20, 2007
Dennis Wharton
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Lawmakers Urge FCC Support for AM Use of FM Translators

WASHINGTON, DC – - A letter authored by House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D-SC) and signed by an additional 14 members of Congress was sent this week to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, expressing support for a FCC rule change allowing AM radio operators to use FM translators.

In addition to Chairman Spratt, the letter was supported by Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Ralph Hall (R-TX), David Davis (R-TN), Bart Gordon (D-TN), Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), Bob Inglis (R-SC), Gresham Barrett (R-SC), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Henry Brown (R-SC), Wally Herger (R-CA), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Barbara Cubin (R-WY).

"Communities and consumers will benefit from improved AM service," the letter read. "Approval of this rule will mean that AM stations unable to broadcast local events that typically occur at night, like political debates and high school sports, will become able to deliver coverage."

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