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May 31, 2007
Dennis Wharton
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RAB and NAB Present Get Out the Vote with Radio, a Free Half-Day Seminar on How to Use Radio to Reach and Impact Voters

New York, New York - May 31, 2007 -- The Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) will present Get Out the Vote with Radio, a free half-day seminar for political consultants and strategists on Wednesday, June 6 in Washington D.C. The seminar will reveal how to use Radio's lifestyle-specific formats to target voters in ways that go beyond standard zip-code targeting practices and communicate political messages on a deeper, more personal level.

The U.S. is made up of distinct audio neighborhoods, populated by Radio listeners who are personally and emotionally connected to their favorite stations. Drawn by similar interests, tastes, and social and political beliefs, audio neighborhoods of like-minded individuals spring up around the Radio experience, giving strategists an avenue to reach and communicate with specific groups of voters in a relevant and receptive environment.

According to studies that have examined public reaction, there is a high-level of synthesis between listeners and the messages they hear in Radio's audio neighborhoods. Moreover, research on voter-response to political advertisements delivered in an audio neighborhood reveals that voters have a higher tendency to believe the content of the Radio political message. Voters also are more likely to feel an emotional bond or connection to the candidate, provided the message is delivered in an audio neighborhood whose listener profile matches that of the target voter group.

"Radio's audio neighborhoods are a unique environment for reaching groups of voters who share common lifestyles and political perspectives," noted Jeff Haley, President and Chief Executive Officer, RAB. "Understanding the nature of Radio's diverse audio neighborhoods is a powerful marketing communication tool. With an early political season in 2008, we are delighted to partner with NAB on a platform for political advertising on Radio."

"Radio plays an integral role in the lives of 260 million Americans who listen every week," said David K. Rehr, NAB President and CEO. "Working with RAB, we intend to demonstrate the value proposition that Radio plays each campaign season and to make sure that political candidates appreciate the unique connection that Radio stations have with hometown listeners and voters."

This first joint venture between the RAB and the NAB is part of a pre-announced plan from the two national organizations to collaborate on initiatives that increase awareness of Radio. For a full agenda on the Get Out the Vote with Radio seminar, and to register for free, please visit, or call 1-800-232-3232. About RABThe Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) is the sales and marketing arm of the Radio industry with nearly 7,000 members including close to 6,000 stations in the U.S., and over 1,000 associate members in networks, representative firms, sales, and international organizations.

About NAB:The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcasts networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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