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February 12, 2007

NAB2007 To Feature Middle East Broadcast Session

WASHINGTON, DC -The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the Middle East Broadcast Association (MEB) will collaborate to launch a new session called "The Rise of the Arab Broadcasting Market: Exceptional Prospects and Resources" to be held Wednesday, April 18 during NAB2007. The new session, free to exhibitors, will look to advance technology and training opportunities in the Arab broadcasting arena and connect firms in broadcast related industries to one of the fastest growing broadcasting markets.

"The remarkable growth in the Arab broadcasting industry cannot be overlooked," said MEB President Ahmad Al Maaz. "Consisting of 22 countries with a population of over 320 million and served by more than 260 broadcast operations, the region's growth is creating a healthy competition and driving older stations to modernize and upgrade their facilities."

"We are excited to add this program to further serve what is already one of the most active and important communities within the NAB Convention dynamic -- the international business community," said NAB Executive Vice President of Conventions and Business Operations Chris Brown. "NAB2007 is the only true global event serving the broadcast and allied electronic media industries, drawing over 25,000 registrants from overseas."

The collaboration between NAB and MEB at NAB2007 will bring new ideas to the convention, most notably the conference entitled "The Rise of the Arab Broadcasting Market" led by Dr. Ramez Maluf, editor-in chief of The Journal of Middle Eastern Broadcasters, the official publication of the MEB Association. The session is designed to address the opportunities and resources available for business leaders looking to expand their businesses in what is now the third most active regional market in the world, according to an analysis by Ernst & Young. The session will focus on several key issues including the effects of Arab television on the broadcast industry as a whole, the factors that led to this broadcasting boom and the future of the industry.

About Middle East Broadcasters
The Middle East Broadcasters (MEB) Association is the first and only professional trade association specifically focused on promoting professional growth and development of broadcasters in the 22 pan-Arab countries. MEB Journal is the official publication of the MEB Association and distributed to over 7,000 broadcasters in the region.,

About NAB2007
NAB2007 will take place April 14 - 19, 2007 in Las Vegas (exhibits open April 16). It is the world's largest electronic media show covering the development, delivery and management of professional video and audio content across all mediums. Complete NAB2007 details are available at

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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