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March 9, 2006
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Launches New Conference At NAB2006

--Web & Mobile Development Conference To Focus on New Technology Platforms--

WASHINGTON, DC - NAB announced today it will launch the Web & Mobile Development Conference at NAB2006 on April 25 and 26 in Las Vegas. This new educational technology conference, targeted toward professional Web designers, developers and content providers, will debut as part of the NAB2006 MultiMedia World Conference package.

"This is an all-new conference for NAB2006," said John Marino, Vice President Science & Technology at NAB. "We know that in-depth training on new technology platforms is always expected at our events. Content development for mobile media and the Web is evolving rapidly and NAB2006 attendees will have a unique opportunity to learn from experts at the conference and explore exciting new applications on the expo floor."

The Web & Mobile Development Conference, produced by NAB and Future Media Concepts and in association with Adobe, is designed to provide cutting-edge training for the next generation of digital media experts -- people delivering content for Web, mobile and broadcast. The conference is tailored to meet the needs of intermediate and advanced professionals who work in media-rich fields such as television, video, Web, film or DVD production.

"A great media convergence is taking place: the lines between video content, television and the Internet are blurring. The result is a new medium, propelling us into exciting and challenging multimedia, as has never been seen before," said Ben Kozuch, president and co-founder of Future Media Concepts and Conference Chair. "The audience of the NAB show will benefit greatly from this conference. They will leave understanding and ready to capitalize on the powerful development of Web and mobile content converging with traditional video and broadcasting."

In this two-day conference, attendees will learn the hottest features of multimedia applications, including expert tips, tricks and techniques aimed at broadcast, post, and design professionals involved with producing and delivering content for Web, mobile and broadcast. Sessions will focus on Web design & development, server-based media streaming, and mobile content from industry experts.

Topics will include state-of-the-art Web technologies such as CSS, XML, RSS, Flash Video, Content Delivery Networks, ActionScript and Flex - all within the framework of Adobe's applications.

NAB2006 will take place April 22 - 27, 2006 in Las Vegas (exhibits open April 24 ). It is the world's largest electronic media show covering the development, delivery and management of professional video and audio content across all mediums.

The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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