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April 30, 2008
Dennis Wharton
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More than 200 House Members Oppose 'Performance Tax'

--Nearly 40 members add name to resolution--

WASHINGTON, DC – The Local Radio Freedom Act continues to gain support in the U.S. House of Representatives, with nearly half of all members now signed-on as co-sponsors. The resolution, introduced in late October by Reps. Gene Green (D-TX)and Mike Conaway (R-TX), essentially denounces the notion of levying any fee on local radio broadcasters for music airplay. Support for the resolution now stands at 201 members, including the resolution's authors.

"Congress should not impose any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge relating to the public performance of sound recordings on a local radio station for broadcasting sound recordings over-the-air, or on any business for such public performance of sound recordings," reads House Concurrent Resolution 244.

Recent co-sponsors of the Local Radio Freedom Act include Reps. Peter J. Roskam (R-IL), Phil English (R-PA), Lincoln Davis (D-TN), Ray LaHood (R-IL), Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Allen Boyd (D-FL), Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Jason Altmire (D-PA), Steve King (R-IA), David Davis (R-TN), Charles W. Boustany Jr. (R-LA), Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD), Steve Buyer (R-IN), John Kline (R-MN), Paul Ryan (R-WI), Brian P. Bilbray (R-CA), Joe Courtney (D-CT), Adrian Smith (R-NE), Jerry F. Costello (D-IL), Donald M. Payne (D-NJ), John Shimkus (R-IL), Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), Judy Biggert (R-IL), John T. Doolittle (R-CA), Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Tim Mahoney (D-FL), John Abney Culberson (R-TX), Norman D. Dicks (D-WA), Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA), Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH), Michael T. McCaul (R-TX), Thomas Reynolds (R-NY)
and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL).

To date, 201 lawmakers have signed onto the resolution, including:

Aderholt, Robert (R-AL)
Alexander, Rodney (R-LA)
Altmire, Jason (D-PA)
Akin, Todd (R-MO)
Arcuri, Mike (D-NY)
Bachus, Spencer (R-AL)
Baird, Brian (D-WA)
Barrett, Gresham (R-SC)
Barrow, John (D-GA)
Bartlett, Roscoe G. (R-MD)
Bean, Melissa (D-IL)
Berry, Marion (D-AR)
Biggert, Judy (R-IL)
Bilbray, Brian P. (R-CA)
Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Bishop, Sanford (D-GA)
Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR)
Bonner, Jo (R-AL)
Boozman, John (R-AR)
Boswell, Leonard (D-IA)
Boustany, Charles W., Jr. (R-LA)
Boyd, Allen (D-FL)
Boyda, Nancy (D-KS)
Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
Braley, Bruce (D-IA)
Broun, Paul (R-GA)
Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Burton, Dan (R-IN)
Butterfield, G. K. (D-NC)
Buyer, Steve (R-IN)
Calvert, Ken (R-CA)
Camp, Dave (R-MI)
Campbell, John (R-CA)
Capito, Shelley Moore (R-WV)
Capuano, Michael (D-MA)
Cardoza, Dennis (D-CA)
Carnahan, Russ (D-MO)
Carter, John A. (R-TX)
Castle, Michael (R-DE)
Chabot, Steven (R-OH)
Clay, William Lacy (D-MO)
Cleaver, Emmanuel (D-MO)
Cole, Tom (R-OK)
Conaway, Mike (R-TX)
Costello, Jerry F. (D-IL)
Courtney, Joe (D-CT)
Cramer, Bud (D-AL)
Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL)
Cubin, Barbara (R-WY)
Cuellar, Henry (D-TX)
Culberson, John Abney (R-TX)
Davis, Danny K. (D-IL)
Davis, David (R-TN)
Davis, Geoff (R-KY)
Davis, Lincoln (D-TN)
Dent, Charles W. (R-PA)
Diaz-Balart, Mario (R-FL)
Dicks, Norman D. (D-WA)
Drake, Thelma D. (R-VA)
Donnelly, Joe (D-IN)
Doolittle, John T. (R-CA)
Edwards, Chet (D-TX)
Ehlers, Vernon J. (R-MI)
Ellsworth, Brad (D-IN)
Emerson, Jo Ann (R-MO)
English, Phil (R-PA)
Everett, Terry (R-AL)
Fallin, Mary (R-OK)
Fortenberry, Jeff (R-NE)
Foxx, Virginia (R-NC)
Franks, Trent (R-AZ)
Garrett, Scott (R-NJ)
Gerlach, Jim (R-PA)
Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY)
Gingrey, Phil (R-GA)
Goode, Virgil H., Jr. (R-VA)
Granger, Kay (R-TX)
Graves, Sam (R-MO)
Green, Al (D-TX)
Green, Gene (D-TX)
Hall, Ralph (R-TX)
Hare, Phil (D-IL)
Hastings, Doc (R-WA)
Hayes, Robin (R-NC)
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie (D-SD)
Hobson, David L. (R-OH)
Hoekstra, Pete (R-MI)
Holden, Tim (D-PA)
Hulshof, Kenny (R-MO)
Hunter, Duncan (R-CA)
Johnson, Eddie B. (D-TX)
Johnson, Sam (R-TX)
Johnson, Tim (R-IL)
Jones, Stephanie Tubbs (D-OH)
Jones, Walter B. (R-NC)
Jordan, Jim (R-OH)
Kagan, Steve (D-WI)
Kind, Ron (D-WI)
King, Steve (R-IA)
Kingston, Jack (R-GA)
Kline, John (R-MN)
LaHood, Ray (R-IL)
Lamborn, Doug (R-CO)
Lampson, Nick (D-TX)
Larsen, Rick (D-WA)
Latham, Tom (R-IA)
Latta, Robert E. (R-OH)
LaTourette, Steve (R-OH)
Lewis, John (D-GA)
Lewis, Ron (R-KY)
Linder, John (R-GA)
LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ)
Loebsack, Dave (D-IA)
Lucas, Frank D. (R-OK)
Mahoney, Tim (D-FL)
Manzullo, Donald A. (R-IL)
Matheson, Jim (D-UT)
Matsui, Doris (D-CA)
McCaul, Michael T. (R-TX)
McCotter, Thaddeus G. (R-MI)
McHenry, Patrick T. (R-NC)
McHugh, John (R-NY)
McIntyre, Mike (D-NC)
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R-WA)
Meeks, Gregory W. (D-NY)
Mica, John (R-FL)
Michaud, Mike (D-ME)
Miller, Candice (R-MI)
Miller, Gary G. (R-CA)
Moore, Dennis (D-KS)
Moran, Jerry (R-KS)
Murphy, Chris (D-CT)
Musgrave, Marilyn N. (R-CO)
Myrick, Sue (R-NC)
Neugebauer, Randy (R-TX)
Nunes, Devin (R-CA)
Oberstar, James (D-MN)
Ortiz, Solomon (D-TX)
Pascrell, Bill, Jr. (D-NJ)
Paul, Ron (R-TX)
Payne, Donald M. (D-NJ)
Pearce, Stevan (R-NM)
Pence, Mike (R-IN)
Petri, Tom (R-WI)
Pitts, Joseph R. (R-PA)
Platts, Todd Russell (R-PA)
Poe, Ted (R-TX)
Pomeroy, Earl (D-ND)
Porter, Jon C. (R-NV)
Price, Tom (R-GA)
Pryce, Deborah (R-OH)
Rahall, Nick (D-WV)
Rangel, Charles B. (D-NY)
Ramstad, Jim (R-MN)
Rehberg, Dennis (R-MT)
Reyes, Silvestre (D-TX)
Reynolds, Thomas (R-NY)
Rodriquez, Ciro (D-TX)
Rogers, Harold (R-KY)
Rogers, Mike D. (R-AL)
Rogers, Mike J. (R-MI)
Roskam, Peter J. (R-IL)
Ross, Mike (D-AR)
Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD)
Ryan, Paul (R-WI)
Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Scott, David (D-GA)
Sessions, Pete (R-TX)
Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH)
Shimkus, John (R-IL)
Shuler, Heath (D-NC)
Shuster, Bill (R-PA)
Simpson, Mike (R-ID)
Sires, Albio (D-NJ)
Smith, Adrian (R-NE)
Smith, Christopher H. (R-NJ)
Souder, Mark E. (R-IN)
Space, Zack (D-OH)
Spratt, John (D-SC)
Stupak, Bart (D-MI)
Sullivan, John (R-OK)
Terry, Lee (R-NE)
Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Thornberry, Mac (R-TX)
Tiahrt, Todd (R-KS)
Tiberi, Pat (R-OH)
Turner, Michael R. (R-OH)
Walberg, Tim (R-MI)
Walsh, Jim (R-NY)
Walden, Greg (R-OR)
Wamp, Zach (R-TN)
Weller, Jerry (R-IL)
Westmoreland, Lynn (R-GA)
Whitfield, Ed (R-KY)
Wilson, Charlie (D-OH)
Wilson, Heather (R-NM)
Wilson, Joe (R-SC)
Wittman, Robert J. (R-VA)
Wynn, Al (D-MD)
Young, Don (R-AK)

On numerous occasions, both record label executives and artists have recognized the promotional value of free radio airplay. Such statements include:

"I have to thank... every DJ, every radio guy, every promotions guy, everybody who ever put up a poster for me and spread the word."

-- Alicia Keys, recording artist and Grammy winner, 2008 Grammy Awards, February 2008

"[R]adio remains the best way to get new music into the listeners' lives."

--Sony BMG Executive VP Butch Waugh as quoted in Radio & Records, January 11

"[R]adio is the conduit to the people, the voice of the format and the lifestyle's soundtrack."

--Sony BMG Nashville VP of Marketing Tom Baldrica, as quoted in Radio & Records, January 11

"Obviously, radio is probably the most important thing for a new rock band coming out. If you don't get yourself on the radio, then you won't draw bodies at the clubs and you won't sell records."

-- 'Another Animal' drummer Shannon Larkin, Drum Magazine, 2008

"Country radio, thank you so much for being our mouthpiece. You know what we do means nothing if it never gets played, and no one gets to hear it."

-- 'Rascal Flatts,' Vocal Group of the Year, Country Music Awards, 2007

"I can't even believe that this is real... I want to thank country radio. I'll never forget the chance you took on me."

-- Taylor Swift, Horizon Award (for best new artist), Country Music Awards, 2007

"I have yet to see the big reaction you want to see to a hit until it goes on the radio. I'm a big, big fan of radio."

-- Richard Palmese, Executive Vice President of Promotion, RCA, 2007

"Radio has proven itself time and time again to be the biggest vehicle to expose new music."

-- Ken Lane, Senior Vice President for Promotion, Island Def Jam Music Group, 2005

"It is clearly the number one way that we're getting our music exposed. Nothing else affects retail sales the way terrestrial radio does."

--Tom Biery, Senior Vice President for Promotion, Warner Bros. Records, 2005

"That's the most important thing for a label, getting your records played."

-- Eddie Daye, recording artist, 2003

"Radio helped me a lot. That's the audience. I can't see them, but I know they're there. I can't reach out and touch them with my hand, but I know they're there."

-- B.B. King, recording artist, 2002

"If a song's not on the radio, it'll never sell."

-- Mark Wright, Senior Vice President, MCA Records, 2001

"Air play is king. They play the record, it sells. If they don't, it's dead in the water."

-- Jim Mazza, President, Dreamcatcher Entertainment, 1999

"I am so grateful to radio. Their support has truly changed my life, and I hope they know how appreciative I am for that."

-- Jo Dee Messina, recording artist, 1999

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The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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