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February 13, 2008
Dennis Wharton
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Valentine's Day Ad to Hightlight 'Love Affair' Between Radio and Recording Industry

Click here to download a hi-res PDF of the Valentine's Day advertisement.

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Association of Broadcasters will run advertisements on Valentine's Day highlighting the 'love affair' between the recording industry and America's local radio broadcasters. The advertisements will run in Capitol Hill publications, Roll Call, The Hill, and Politico.

The advertisement includes a number of quotes from record label executives and recording artists who recognize the enormous promotional value of free radio airplay. The ad can be downloaded in high-resolution PDF format here.

Among numerous record label executives and artists, the ad quotes Alicia Keys, who recently thanked radio stations during her Grammy Awards acceptance speech for Best Female R&B Performance.

"I have to thank... every DJ, every radio guy, every promotions guy, everybody who ever put up a poster for me and spread the word," Keys said. Keys was accepting an award for her chart-topping hit, 'No One,' which received significant airplay on local radio stations across the country.

It also quotes RCA Executive Vice President of Promotions Richard Palmese, who said just last year, "I have yet to see the big reaction you want to see to a hit until it goes on the radio. I'm a big, big fan of radio."

"It's hard not to recognize local radio's role in promoting new music and new artists. In fact, the majority of Americans say radio is the first place they discover new music," reads the ad.

The advertisement comes as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) continues to push for legislation that would require America's hometown broadcasters to compensate the foreign-owned record labels for radio airplay of music. The House version of the RIAA-backed bill was introduced by Reps. Howard Berman (D-CA) and Darrell Issa (R-CA). Companion legislation has been offered in the Senate by Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

Conversely, the Local Radio Freedom Act, introduced in late October by Reps. Gene Green (D-TX) and Mike Conaway (R-TX), now has the support of 148 members of the House of Representatives.

"Congress should not impose any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge relating to the public performance of sound recordings on a local radio station for broadcasting sound recordings over-the-air, or on any business for such public performance of sound recordings," reads House Concurrent Resolution 244.

The number of lawmakers now opposing a performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge on local radio for music airplay totals 148, and includes:

Aderholt, Robert (R-AL)
Alexander, Rodney (R-LA)
Akin, Todd (R-MO)
Arcuri, Mike (D-NY)
Bachus, Spencer (R-AL)
Barrett, Gresham (R-SC)
Barrow, John (D-GA)
Bartlett, Roscoe G. (R-MD)
Bean, Melissa (D-IL)
Berry, Marion (D-AR)
Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
Bishop, Sanford (D-GA)
Bonner, Jo (R-AL)
Boozman, John (R-AR)
Boswell, Leonard (D-IA)
Boyda, Nancy (D-KS)
Braley, Bruce (D-IA)
Broun, Paul (R-GA)
Brown, Henry (R-SC)
Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
Burton, Dan (R-IN)
Calvert, Ken (R-CA)
Camp, Dave (R-MI)
Campbell, John (R-CA)
Capito, Shelley Moore (R-WV)
Cardoza, Dennis (D-CA)
Carnahan, Russ (D-MO)
Carter, John A. (R-TX)
Castle, Michael (R-DE)
Chabot, Steven (R-OH)
Clay, William Lacy (D-MO)
Cleaver, Emmanuel (D-MO)
Cole, Tom (R-OK)
Conaway, Mike (R-TX)
Cramer, Bud (D-AL)
Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL)
Cubin, Barbara (R-WY)
Cuellar, Henry (D-TX)
Davis, Geoff (R-KY)
Dent, Charles W. (R-PA)
Drake, Thelma D. (R-VA)
Donnelly, Joe (D-IN)
Edwards, Chet (D-TX)
Ellsworth, Brad (D-IN)
Emerson, Jo Ann (R-MO)
Everett, Terry (R-AL)
Foxx, Virginia (R-NC)
Franks, Trent (R-AZ)
Garrett, Scott (R-NJ)
Gerlach, Jim (R-PA)
Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY)
Gingrey, Phil (R-GA)
Goode, Virgil H., Jr. (R-VA)
Granger, Kay (R-TX)
Graves, Sam (R-MO)
Green, Al (D-TX)
Green, Gene (D-TX)
Hall, Ralph (R-TX)
Hare, Phil (D-IL)
Hayes, Robin (R-NC)
Hoekstra, Pete (R-MI)
Holden, Tim (D-PA)
Hulshof, Kenny (R-MO)
Johnson, Eddie B. (D-TX)
Johnson, Sam (R-TX)
Johnson, Tim (R-IL)
Jones, Stephanie Tubbs (D-OH)
Jones, Walter B. (R-NC)
Jordan, Jim (R-OH)
Kagan, Steve (D-WI)
Kind, Ron (D-WI)
Kingston, Jack (R-GA)
Lampson, Nick (D-TX)
Larsen, Rick (D-WA)
Latham, Tom (R-IA)
LaTourette, Steve (R-OH)
Lewis, John (D-GA)
Lewis, Ron (R-KY)
Linder, John (R-GA)
LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ)
Loebsack, Dave (D-IA)
Lucas, Frank D. (R-OK)
Manzullo, Donald A. (R-IL)
Matheson, Jim (D-UT)
Matsui, Doris (D-CA)
McCotter, Thaddeus G. (R-MI)
McHenry, Patrick T. (R-NC)
McHugh, John (R-NY)
McIntyre, Mike (D-NC)
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R-WA)
Mica, John (R-FL)
Michaud, Mike (D-ME)
Miller, Candice (R-MI)
Miller, Gary G. (R-CA)
Moore, Dennis (D-KS)
Moran, Jerry (R-KS)
Murphy, Chris (D-CT)
Musgrave, Marilyn N. (R-CO)
Myrick, Sue (R-NC)
Neugebauer, Randy (R-TX)
Nunes, Devin (R-CA)
Oberstar, James (D-MN)
Ortiz, Solomon (D-TX)
Pascrell, Bill, Jr. (D-NJ)
Paul, Ron (R-TX)
Pearce, Stevan (R-NM)
Pence, Mike (R-IN)
Petri, Tom (R-WI)
Poe, Ted (R-TX)
Pomeroy, Earl (D-ND)
Porter, Jon C. (R-NV)
Price, Tom (R-GA)
Rahall, Nick (D-WV)
Rangel, Charles B. (D-NY)
Ramstad, Jim (R-MN)
Rehberg, Dennis (R-MT)
Reyes, Silvestre (D-TX)
Rogers, Harold (R-KY)
Rogers, Mike D. (R-AL)
Rogers, Mike J. (R-MI)
Ross, Mike (D-AR)
Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD)
Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
Scott, David (D-GA)
Sessions, Pete (R-TX)
Shuler, Heath (D-NC)
Shuster, Bill (R-PA)
Simpson, Mike (R-ID)
Sires, Albio (D-NJ)
Souder, Mark E. (R-IN)
Space, Zack (D-OH)
Spratt, John (D-SC)
Stupak, Bart (D-MI)
Sullivan, John (R-OK)
Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
Tiahrt, Todd (R-KS)
Tiberi, Pat (R-OH)
Turner, Michael R. (R-OH)
Walberg, Tim (R-MI)
Walsh, Jim (R-NY)
Walden, Greg (R-OR)
Wamp, Zach (R-TN)
Westmoreland, Lynn (R-GA)
Whitfield, Ed (R-KY)
Wilson, Charlie (D-OH)
Wilson, Joe (R-SC)
Wynn, Al (D-MD)
Young, Don (R-AK)

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is a trade association that advocates on behalf of more than 8,300 free, local radio and television stations and also broadcast networks before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Courts. Information about NAB can be found at


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