Polarization Shown to Improve Mobile Reception Performance
One of the
challenges to be faced by TV broadcast engineers in the world
of mobile DTV will be providing for reliable reception in a variety
of new environments and for receivers that are constantly "on-the-go."
In a presentation made at the 2009 NAB Show, John L. Schadler,
Director, Advanced Antenna Systems Development and Kerry Cozad,
Senior Vice President, Broadcast Engineering, both with Dielectric
Communications (Raymond, ME, www.dielectric.com),
suggested that use of circularly-polarized transmit antennas may
offer performance advantages for mobile reception.
The information
in their presentation was derived from a field study conducted
by Dielectric into the impact of signal polarization on reception
by a portable, handheld device. Dielectric identified
two specific aspects of signal reception - polarization mismatch
(between the transmit and receive antennas) and multipath fading
- that produce variability as the receiver changes orientation
and location, and conducted field experiments to evaluate the
reliability of service of horizontal, vertical and circular transmit
antenna polarization in depolarized fading environments.
As a prelude
to this study, Dielectric modeled a mobile handheld device ("phone")
using high frequency simulation software (HFSS) to evaluate the
device's radiation characteristic at VHF and UHF frequencies.
Their conclusion was that the small antennas in a handheld device
do nothing more than excite the long dimension of the phone or
the circuit board. They found that the antenna's polarization
is along the axis of the phone and that the phone itself acts
like a dipole.
For these
tests, Dielectric utilized three transmit antennas mounted side-by-side
(as shown in the photograph above) operated at the same frequency
(700 MHz) and ERP, and with the same azimuth and elevation pattern,
so that the results obtained from each would be comparable. Signal
reception into a linearly polarized receive antenna (with characteristics
modeled on those found in the "phone" antenna) was evaluated
for each of the three transmit antennas in five different reception
environments: open areas, wooded areas, office building, house,
and small vehicle.
In each case,
received signal power versus receiver orientation and location
were measured using a linearly polarized receive antenna installed
in a test "jig" that Dielectric called "Ralph,"
for Rotating Advancing Linearly Polarized Handheld. "Ralph"
would move the test receive antenna in both a linear and rotating
fashion to simulate the movement an actual mobile DTV receiver
would be subjected to. In this fashion, over 300,000 data points
were collected, then analyzed to determine the mean value of signal
strength and the variability spread between the mean and a desired
probability of service value for each test environment and transmit

Using horizontal
polarization as a baseline, Dielectric then determined, based
on this data, the margin improvement of vertical and circular
polarization relative to horizontal (see graph). On average, circular
polarization offered 5 dB margin improvement over horizontal polarization
and 7.5 dB margin improvement over vertical polarization. The
dashed lines in the graph represent the average improvement margins
for circular (blue) and vertical (red) polarizations, while the
individual data points shown for each category represent the specific
values for that category.
A video of
an earlier version of the Dielectric presentation is available
for download from the Dielectric Web page at www.dielectric.com/videos/polarization.wmv.
Note that this earlier presentation (given to the Society of Broadcast
Engineers in October, 2008) reports on antenna polarization studies
performed in an anechoic chamber, which were a prelude to the
field studies discussed at the 2009 NAB Show. These lab studies
showed that an elliptically polarized signal with approximately
33% vertical component was the optimum arrangement for maximizing
service to a linearly polarized receive antenna, outperforming
circular polarization by about 1 dB. For additional information
on this study, contact Kerry Cozad at Dielectric, at Kerry.Cozad@Dielectric.spx.com.
Satellite Uplink Operators Training Seminar
October 5 - 8, 2009 Washington, DC
This four-day course is designed to instruct about uplink operational
practices, which minimize the risk of satellite transmission
interference. This is an important course since the FCC rules
require that a trained operator be present at all times during
transmissions, either an earth station site or designated remote
control point. Go to the http://www.nab.org/satelliteSeminar/
or Contact NAB Science & Technology Department at (202)
429-5346 or ccolerid@nab.org
for information about the NAB Satellite Uplink Operators Training
Seminar. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities
for this event contact NAB Advertising at (800) 521-8624 or

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