Radio An International Phenomenon
AM and FM radio broadcasting bands are worldwide frequency allocations,
so its not surprising that countries all around the world
are expressing interest in the in-band/on-channel (IBOC) digital
radio technology pioneered by iBiquity Digital Corporation. Even
countries that have previously begun implementation of new-band
digital radio systems like Eureka-147 are now studying and testing
the iBiquity HD Radio system as a possible augmentation to or perhaps
replacement for existing digital radio systems.
many of the key benefits of the HD Radio system that are attractive
to U.S. broadcastersno new spectrum, use of existing infrastructure,
multicasting and datacasting capabilitiesare also attractive
overseas. iBiquity has been very proactive in working with other
countries to determine exactly how the HD Radio system can be optimized
for use in broadcasting environments that differ from those in the
U.S., for example, in the frequency spacing used for allocating
channels (many European countries use a 100 kHz spacing in the FM
band instead of the 200 kHz spacing used in the U.S.).
In the list
that follows, some of the details of how HD Radio technology is
propagating worldwide are given (based on information provided by
iBiquity). As was true in the U.S., the evaluation and possible
selection of a digital radio technology by these countries is a
multi-year process:
FM HD Radio technology was tested in 2004 with initial trials in
Buenos Aires. Further testing of the technology began in early 2007;
trial and tests of HD Radio technology have been conducted in Sarajevo;
since the first HD Radio station went on-the-air in September 2005,
about 25 stations in Brazil have converted to this technology covering
an aggregate population of over 30 million people. The Brazilian
Alliance for Digital Radio, founded by broadcasters in 2006, continues
to promote and support the deployment of HD Radio technology;
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has completed a comprehensive
HD Radio test program (started in September 2006) from on-air transmission
facilities in Toronto and Peterborough, Ontario. Results have been
published, and Industry Canada (IC, the Canadian equivalent of the
FCC) is now considering applications for experimental HD Radio authorizations
for existing FM radio stations. IC has indicated that should these
experiments prove successful, they will work with the public and
private broadcasting industries to develop technical regulations
to accommodate HD Radio broadcasting on a more permanent basis;
HD Radio demonstrations have been conducted; Chile is also the home
of Continental Lensa, the first HD Radio transmitter manufacturer
in Latin America;
the first HD Radio test station in China commenced broadcasting
in late February 2008 at the China National Radio Headquarters in
Beijing. Additionally, a multi-phase test program is planned by
the State Administration of Radio, Film & Television (SARFT);
Caracol Radio began testing of the HD Radio technology in both the
AM and FM bands in early 2008;
Czech Republic:
initial testing of the HD Radio system has been conducted in Prague;
in September 2007 the European HD Radio Alliance (EHDRA) was formed
by broadcasters and other interested groups to promote the adoption
of HD Radio technology by European broadcasters, regulators and
standards organizations;
Radio Regenbogen began HD Radio operations on 102.8 MHz in Heidelberg
on December 3, 2007 pursuant to government testing authority;
both AM and FM HD Radio systems have been tested in Jakarta and
Surabaya, respectively;
Radio Jamaica began operating full time with both HD Radio AM and
FM signals in the city of Kingston in 2008;
Mexicos Federal Telecommunications Commission (CoFeTel)
announced in 2008 that it has authorized FM and AM radio stations
within 200 miles of the U.S. border to begin transmitting HD Radio
signals. Approximately 10 stations have commenced HD Radio transmissions
in Mexico, including Groupo Imagen stations XHDL and XEDA in Mexico
City (in June, 2008), and others have equipment on order;
New Zealand:
following successful testing on 106.1 MHz from the Skytower
in Auckland, the Radio Broadcasters Association (RBA) initiated
a comprehensive trial of HD Radio technology in December 2006;
the first HD Radio station in the Philippines began broadcasting
on November 9, 2005 (and others followed). The Philippines officially
adopted HD Radio technology at the end of 2007 and 11 stations were
awarded Early Adopter awards at a November 2008 meeting
of the Philippine Broadcaster Association, KBP;
HD Radio on-air testing/demonstration started late in 2008 as
Panama contemplates selecting a digital radio standard;
an HD Radio trial was conducted in Warsaw in order to demonstrate
the technology to local radio stations;
an on-air HD Radio technology demonstration (including multicasting)
was conducted for broadcasters and regulators in Baia Mare in October
2008 on an FM station owned by 2M Prima Telecom. The results of
this test have paved the way for a six-month trial in the capital
city Bucharest, expected to take place in 2009;
FM HD Radio system testing sponsored by Radio Sunshine and Ruoss
AG began in Lucerne in April 2006. HD Radio operations in Switzerland
continue and are spotlighted each year during HD Radio Days,
an annual gathering in Lucerne of European broadcasters and manufacturers
for the purpose of discussing the rollout of HD Radio technology
in Europe;
an FM HD Radio broadcast has been conducted in Kiev on two FM stations
operated by the First Ukrainian Radio Group;
in June 2008, the Radio Voice of Vietnam installed both AM and FM
HD Radio transmitters in Hanoi for technology evaluation and testing,
including the use of FM multicasting.
HD Radio technology
demonstrations have also recently taken place in Australia, France,
Nigeria, Russia and Thailand. For additional information visit the
iBiquity Digital Corporation Web site at www.ibiquity.com.

TechCheck will not be published on January 19, but will
return on January 26, 2009.
The January
12, 2009 Radio TechCheck is also available in an
Adobe Acrobat file.
here to read the Adobe Acrobat version of Radio TechCheck.