Technology for IP Remotes
More and more
broadcasters are using the Internet as part of their transmission
infrastructure. A session at the upcoming NAB Broadcast Engineering
Conference (BEC, April 12-17, 2008, Las Vegas, NV see below
for additional information) entitled Audio over IP
includes a paper by Steve Church of Telos Systems describing the
use of IP connectivity for remote operations, which is excerpted
ISDN has served broadcasters well. While ISDN is still
a perfectly good technology, it does have some drawbacks. The
main one is that usage is billed by the minute. Another is that
installation of the line at the remote side usually has a multi-week
lead time and has a significant set-up charge. IP networks are
becoming the new way to get broadcast audio to here from there.
A broadcast codec taking advantage of new technology and optimized
for the real-world conditions on IP networks makes this a practical
CODEC SYSTEM A broadcast codec intended for IP application
needs to be optimized for the purpose. MPEG AAC is an efficient
codec, and the Spectral Band Replication (SBR) addition makes
it the most efficient within the MPEG family. The downside is
it has quite long delay, around 150 ms, meaning 300 ms for a roundtrip,
plus yet more for the IP packetization and buffering processes.
Too much for interactive two-way conversation. The AAC-ELD (Enhanced
Low Delay) codec combines a low delay codec (around 50 ms) with
the coding power of plain AAC. AAC-ELD has reasonably good fidelity
down to 24 kbps and excellent fidelity when used at 64 kbps and
above. At 128 kbps, it is regarded as indistinguishable from the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) solves the lost packet
problem via retransmission, but this imposesa delay penalty since
the buffer has to be long enough to accommodate the time it takes
for the replacement packet to arrive. Streaming audio on the Internet
usually uses TCP and there are usually multiple-second-long buffers
in the players. Thats why it takes so long for streaming
audio to start after you click on the link or play button. When
we care about delay, this is not going to do. TCPs flow
control algorithms are also a potential problem, since they can
needlessly restrict bandwidth, causing it to vary versus time
(see graph). The alternative is User Datagram Protocol (UDP) combined
with error concealment. Using UDP, we are as close to the underlying
network as we can be, so the delay is as low as possible and the
bandwidth as high as possible. Responsibility for dealing with
packet loss is moved to the user, which is perfectly
OK because we can deal with it in a way specialized for our audio
application, rather than accepting the compromise of a general
approach that was designed mostly for email, Web browsing, and
file transfers.
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) service is a telco
IP service that is growing in popularity. It is intended for high-quality
VoIP telephony, video conferencing, and the like. MPLS networks
analyze traffic at the entry point and attach a label to each
packet that describes the path the packet should take within the
network. Because routers can see the packets as a stream, reserving
a specified bandwidth is possible and usual. MPLS services are
attractive to broadcasters since they offer a good cost/performance
compromisemore expensive than non-guaranteed public Internet
service, but less costly than dedicated links or ISDN.
AND NATS A typical remote-to-studio setup is shown
in the figure and includes one or more Network Address Translators
(NATs). NATs are widely used on DSL Internet connections to allow
more than one computer on the inside to share a single IP number
toward the outside. All connections must originate from a computer
on the inside. Since unsolicited incoming traffic cant get
through, NATs provide a basic firewall function. This means that
any codec inside a NAT would be both invisible and unreachable
by another codec on the other side. Firewalls have the same effect.
This paper
will be presented on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 starting at 2:00
p.m. in room S228 of the Las Vegas Convention Center. It will
also be included in its entirety in the 2008 NAB BEC Proceedings,
on sale at the 2008 NAB Show. For additional conference information
visit the NAB Show Web page at
NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference Summary of Presentations
Check out the
that will be presented at the 2008 NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference
in Las Vegas, April 12 -17, 2008.
TV: Opportunity at 100 MPH!
Monday, April 14 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Las Vegas Hilton Ballroom A
The Open Mobile
Video Coalition (OMVC) invites engineers from television, telcos,
cable and OEMs to learn more about breakthroughs and milestones
in engineering, consumer interest and testing, as well as new
revenue opportunities in the fast approaching locally broadcast
Mobile TV world. Join them for breakfast
on Monday, April 14 in Ballroom A.
March 17, 2008 Radio TechCheck is also available
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