The NAB Pulse

Reminder: All Broadcasters Should Download PB-19 Forms

As a reminder, during this election year, stations need to keep their political files current and accurate. To help broadcasters stay on top of their political advertising obligations, NAB has created streamlined, user-friendly versions of our forms for candidate and third-party issue ads, now called the "PB-19 Forms." Diligent completion and uploading of these forms to your political file will help your station avoid any problems that can lead to substantial FCC fines and penalties. NAB members may download the PB-19 forms for free. Click this link and log into the NAB website to access "Members-Only Resources." If you need to look up your membership number in order to create a login, please click here.

NAB urges all broadcasters to download the version of the PB-19 now available. In late February, NAB has made some minor improvements to the PB-19 form in response to industry feedback. Even if you downloaded the PB-19 when it was released, please do so again for the most up-to-date version.

Please note: The PB-19 forms are an NAB publication (copyright NAB) and available for free only to NAB members. Non-members may reach out to the NAB Online Store for availability and pricing information.

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