Phase 7 of the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) spectrum repack will come to a close tomorrow, with more than 25 of 128 stations moving frequencies on this day. In total, more than 700 stations have completed their repack transitions that continue through July 2020. Phase 8 begins January 18 and continues through March 13, 2020.
As part of the transition communications support, we are posting TV rescan alerts on social media and reaching out to news media in more than 30 local markets. Make sure your creative services team is aware of and using the tools and resources that will help prepare your viewers for your station's transition.
On-air and Digital Tools
- Talking points
- Sample scripts
- Automated phone messaging
- Sample social media posts and graphics
- Customizable spots that instruct viewers how to rescan their TVs or converter boxes
Don't Leave Your Staff, or Your Viewers, in the Dark |
It's frequently the front lines that get hit the hardest when dealing with questions from the community about TV rescans. If someone at your station answers the phone and isn't up to speed on your station's frequency move, it could frustrate the caller. You'll keep your viewers happier if they are able to get timely and accurate information about your rescan date and the action they need to take to continue receiving your channel. We've prepared some quick answers to phone calls your station may receive, which you can provide to any staff who speaks with viewers. Click here to download the document.
Submit Your Reimbursement Invoices ASAP |
Remember to submit your final invoices for repack work with the FCC as quickly as possible. The FCC has indicated to NAB that many stations that have completed their transitions have not yet begun their close-out procedures or submitted all requests for reimbursement. We urge stations to submit all final invoices as soon as possible to be made whole from the FCC-mandated spectrum repack transitions. Check FCC resources for further information.
Station Spotlight: Lansing, Michigan Viewers Get Informed |
Two stations in Lansing, Mich., have made it a priority to get the word out about their upcoming Rescan Days with handy graphics and video. FOX 47 in Lansing has been promoting its upcoming TV rescan with an infographic that provides the day and time viewers should perform the TV rescan, accompanied on the webpage by detailed information about the what and why of the spectrum repack and featuring a video.
WLNS in Lansing has created this video to help its viewers understand exactly how to rescan. The webpage also includes another video to further promote the "how to" of a TV rescan.

Remember, the more you communicate, the more your viewers will know what to expect and what to do.
Help Us Get the Message Out if You're Operating at Lower Power |
If your station has to operate on an interim antenna or at lower power to meet the FCC deadline, let us know so that we can assist with communications support for viewers as well as advocacy with the FCC. You can send us an email at Also, let your regional coordinator at the FCC know about any potential issues with your transition.
Communication is the key to success, and research shows that viewers are less likely to get frustrated when they have full information, even if the information isn't great news. Transparency and accuracy are the hallmarks of effective communications. Our goal is to respond quickly to any inquiries on social media, and the information you share is useful in helping us respond.
Help us help you. If you have questions or information to share with NAB or other stations, please email us at
Click here to add your contact information to stay informed, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates. You can also connect with us using #PlanToRescan to share what you’re doing to inform your audiences about rescanning.
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