Friday, April 12, marked the end of Phase 2. If your station transitioned in Phase 2, we encourage you to remind your viewers to rescan their TVs or converter boxes through your social media channels, website and other communications platforms to ensure your audiences continue to receive your station. According to NAB's recent research of over-the-air viewers, many do not rescan their TVs on the actual transition date, so it's important to remind your viewers they need to act.
As stations in Phase 3 begin to prepare for their own transitions that will take place through June 21, we want to remind you of the numerous resources available to help prepare your viewers for these changes. Visit for on-air and online tools, including talking points, sample scripts, automated phone messaging, suggested social media posts, social media graphics and customizable spots that instruct viewers how to rescan their TVs or converter boxes.
We can help you spread the word about your Rescan Day! Let us know the date and time you'll be moving frequencies by emailing
"Forget Winter, Rescan Day Is Coming" |
KITV in Honolulu, Hawaii, recently moved frequencies and did an excellent job of keeping their viewers informed. “If you’re like me,” said KITV’s Maleko McDonnel, “You probably don’t think much about how TV works except when it doesn’t. Forget winter, Rescan Day is coming.” McDonnell took to the streets to ask viewers about rescan day and inform them about the spectrum repack, even walking a viewer through the process in her home.

If your station is inspired to create similar visually compelling and informative instructions for your viewers, don’t forget to access the messaging tools available for stations at
Repacking Reimbursement Rules Effective April 25 |
On March 15, the Federal Communications Commission voted to adopt rules that go into effect April 25 for the reimbursement of FM, low-power TV (LPTV) and TV translator stations affected by the spectrum repack. The order implements RAY BAUM’S Act, which provided an additional $1 billion in funding for the repack, and made FM and LPTV and translator stations eligible for funding. LPTV and translator stations are eligible for expenses associated with moving to new channels if they were displaced by the auction while FM stations are eligible for reimbursement for the construction of auxiliary facilities, permanent relocation or temporary modification of their facilities because they must cease operations or significantly reduce power to permit repacking work to proceed.
If you would like more information or to find out if your station is eligible for reimbursement, please email Patrick McFadden in NAB’s Legal department at
Let Us Know About Station Delays |
Stations assigned to Phase 2 were required to change frequencies by April 12. However, several stations were not able to meet this deadline due to weather, equipment delays or difficulty scheduling tower crews.
If your station anticipates delays for any reason, please email so we can help you communicate with your viewers and the FCC to account for any issues.
We encourage your feedback. If you have questions or information to share with NAB or other stations, please email us at
Click here to add your contact information to stay informed, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates. You can also connect with us using #PlanToRescan to share what you’re doing to inform your audiences about rescanning.
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