Newsletter | December 15, 2017 Newsletter


2018 Repack Preview

When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released repacking information in April about which TV stations would be moving and when, NAB began work to prepare broadcasters for the herculean task of moving to new frequencies and informing their viewers of the changes coming to local TV. This issue of NAB Monthly Repack News provides you with a look at our activities to date and what to expect in the coming year. Many stations have already gone off the air or secured channel sharing agreements following the spectrum incentive auction and Phase 1 of the repack is not far away.

Providing Tools to Educate Viewers

NAB created and launched and its affiliated social media platforms this summer to provide viewers with a dynamic tool that will help them stay connected and informed. This includes a consumer-friendly database the public can search to learn which stations are moving and when. We are in weekly contact with the FCC and stations to ensure the data is as current as possible. We urge stations to use this tool as a resource for viewers as they draw closer to their transition period. Banner ads promoting the site are available for you here.

In early 2018, we’ll add a rescanning tutorial video to this site to help viewers understand how to rescan their TV sets to keep watching the great programming and critical news and information local stations provide.

Customizable Tools for Stations

Stations that are being moved to new frequencies as part of the repack have FCC viewer education requirements beginning 30 days prior to their transition. NAB has produced various messaging tools and materials for stations based on our extensive research of over-the-air viewers. You can access those tools here. If there’s something you need that you don’t see online, don’t hesitate to contact us at

NAB is currently in production on several customizable TV and radio spots that will be released in early 2018. These spots will save you time and money, allowing you to reach your viewers in an engaging way.

Partner Organizations

NAB is developing and leveraging existing relationships with partner organizations to spread the word that many TV stations will move to new frequencies in the coming years. We’d like to specifically thank the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) for their blog posts on what viewers should know to keep their local TV signals. You can read them here and here.

We encourage stations to also reach out to partner organizations in their communities, such as Rotary clubs, Chambers of Commerce and others, to enlist their help in educating the public. There are tools available to help you communicate the frequency moves to those organizations here.



To stay informed of the latest news from the campaign – NAB's campaign to educate viewers about the repack – follow us on Twitter at @TVAnswers or Facebook at Be sure to tag us in any social media posts regarding your station's move to a new frequency so that we can help amplify your information.

Government Relations Activities

U.S. Capitol

NAB’s advocacy team continues to aggressively push legislation that would increase funding to fully reimburse TV and radio stations for their relocation costs and ensure no station is forced off the air due to circumstances outside of their control. Additionally, the team is ensuring Capitol Hill offices are prepared for station transitions occurring due to the repack. NAB communicated to all offices in the past week that stations in their state and congressional district may be moving frequencies in the coming years. We provided these tools for congressional offices to help spread the word and respond to constituents. Don’t forget to communicate with your local, state and federal legislators well in advance of your transition date. A sample letter is available for you here.

FCC News: December Activities

The FCC released a series of repack reimbursement form tutorial videos to better explain and walk you through the process efficiently and accurately. The videos, ranging on topics from documenting actual reimbursement costs and uploading invoices to looking up a cable operator’s contact information, are available to provide you with the tools necessary to submit reimbursement costs correctly. Find these videos – and additional tutorials to come – here.

Have You Set a Transition Date? Let Us Know!

In order for NAB to help your station educate viewers, we need to know exactly when you are making the transition, whether that is due to a channel sharing agreement or the repack. As your plans become firm, please let us know the date you'll be moving to a new frequency by filling out this simple form.

TVAnswers Resources

If you are responsible for multiple stations, you can also send an email to and we'll populate our database on to ensure your station information is current and accurate.

We encourage your feedback. If you have questions or information to share with other stations, please email us at

Click here to add your contact information to stay informed.