March 4, 2025
Washington, D.C.

Jack Smedile

Jack Smedile

Senior Vice President, Government Relations
National Association of Broadcasters

Jack Smedile is the senior vice president of Government Relations at NAB. He joined NAB in November 2013. Smedile helps lead NAB's efforts on Capitol Hill, working to educate members of Congress and congressional staff on the issues that affect the broadcast industry.

Prior to joining NAB, Smedile worked in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate for over nine years. He started his tenure on Capitol Hill as a staff assistant for House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (MO-07). He then spent four years working for Rep. Kenny Hulshof (MO-09), where he oversaw telecommunications, transportation and tax issues, first as a legislative assistant and later as the legislative director. He later returned to work for Rep. Blunt and handled most of his Energy and Commerce Committee portfolio before accompanying Blunt to the Senate when he was elected in 2010. Smedile worked as a member of the Commerce Committee professional staff for Sen. Blunt, handling telecommunications and transportation issues before joining NAB

He graduated from Saint Louis University and currently resides in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Stephanie, and their two children.

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