Technology Showcased at 2008 NAB Radio Show
weeks NAB Radio Show in Austin, Texas (
was a showcase for some exciting new radio technology developments
both on the exhibit hall floor and in the session rooms. Some
highlights from this three-day event are given below.

HD Radio Measurements Workshop The
HD Radio Measurements Workshop presented by David
Maxson, managing
partner of Broadcast Signal Lab (Medfield, Mass.,
was held on Thursday, Sept. 18. In this two-hour session, David
focused on how to best measure AM and FM IBOC signals for RF mask
compliance, including a live demo for the discussion on AM, consisting
of a 1 kW AM transmitter, an antenna simulator, and
a number of measuring instruments. Shown in the photo are David
(at right) along with his guest presenter Grady Moates (at left)
of LOUD & Clean Broadcast Science (Hyde Park, Mass.,
One of the equipment racks for the demo can be seen to Gradys
left. Their setup consisted of the following:
- Orban
9400 processor;
- BE ASi-10
IBOC generator;
- BE AM-1A
- 1 kW
Kintronic Labs tunable antenna simulator, which uses the same
components and design techniques as actual phasors and tuning
units, terminated in a 1 kW dummy load;
- Anritsu
2721A portable spectrum analyzer;
- Array
Solutions PowerAim 120 vector impedance analyzer.
Shown on the
projection screen in the photo is a spectrum analyzer display
which includes the AM RF mask (green line, as specified by the
NRSC-5-B Standard) and the measured AM performance (dim yellow
trace). During the demo, the transmitter was intentionally mis-tuned
so that David and Grady could instruct attendees on the proper
procedure for bringing the unit into compliance with the mask.
David is one of the principal contributors to the National Radio
Systems Committee (NRSC) Guideline document on RF mask compliance
measurement (currently under development) which is targeted for
adoption by the NRSCs Digital Radio Broadcasting (DRB) Subcommittee
in January 2009.
a prototype system for aggregating and enhancing the streaming
signals of radio stations called Radiolicious was
debuted at the Show. Radiolicious is powered by mySimBook (,
a new company owned by Global Security Systems (GSS, Lafayette,
developers of the AlertFM RDS-based mobile alerting network.
is a native iPhone application that allows broadcasters to stream
their stations live content via EDGE or 3G networks to iPhone
and iPod touch users throughout the U.S. According to representatives
at the Show,
the iPhone version of Radiolicious will be available soon from
the iPhone App store (available directly from the
iPhone or through iTunes) free-of-charge. Radiolicious is also
currently being developed for Windows Mobile and Google Android
will be available for all broadcasters to play their stations
current stream to the iPhone, and for stations not currently streaming,
Radiolicious will set them up with streaming hardware and software
so they can utilize this service. The application is both analog
and HD Radio digital radio compatible. Users can search for stations
via geo-location data or a more generic search. For example, shown
in the photo at left is the result for a search of local stations
being streamed to Radiolicious; the inset shows the display for
a single station, which can include advertising.
can also place stations in a favorites section for
easy access, and can interact with radio stations by sending song
requests, leaving comments, entering contests, and more. For more
information on Radiolicious visit
Radio HD
ESPN Radio, with partners Cumulus, Bonneville, and Red
Zebra, announced at the Show the launch of an expanded line-up,
and 24/7 on-demand options for FM HD multicast sports channels
that makes use of an innovative Web-based scheduling tool.
stations, including the initial markets of Houston, Seattle and
Dallas, customize their own ESPN-branded multicast
channel by using a specialized Internet network appliance. Programs
offered on this new service will include ESPNEWS, SportsCenter,
Best of Mike and Mike in the Morning, The BS Report, Baseball
Today, Around the Horn, college football studio programming, Sports
Reporters, First Take, and play-by-play including college football,
WNBA, Indy Car Racing, U.S. men's soccer, MLS, and NHRA.
participating station will be provided a unique Internet portal
that will allow the scheduling and control of its network appliance.
Shown in the photo at above is the user interface (on the PC screen)
as it was being demonstrated in the HD Radio exhibit on the Show
exhibit floor. Using this interface, stations can select from
a wide array of compelling differentiated sports content. A station
will also be able to specify the dates and times content will
air on its HD-2 and HD-3 multicast channels. This set of content
tools is designed as a platform to help stations meet the sports
interests of the local communities they serve.
addition to providing conventional audio content, the appliance
will also provide stations unique sports datacasting abilities,
such as bottom-line data, clock and score information, and other
non-audio services specifically designed for HD Radio broadcasts.
To test drive ESPN Radio HD, visit www.espnradioHD.FM.
Debuts Reports Archive
at the September 17, 2008 meeting of the NRSC, held in
Austin, an online compilation of technical reports was unveiled
that represents an important new resource for the broadcast engineering
community. All of the reports and evaluations done by the NRSC
since the early 1980s are now indexed and accessible, and
available for downloading free-of-charge. In addition to detailed
technical documentation relating to NRSC Standards, such as the
NRSCs evaluations of in-band/on-channel (IBOC) digital radio,
studies on AM and FM audio quality, receiver performance in the
presence of noise and interference, and more recent studies on
reduced AM bandwidth and surround sound options for FM broadcasters
are all available. At present, there are 25 reports available
on the Web page.
Smith, Vice President, Radio Engineering with Greater Media and
NRSC Chairman, said The NRSC and its sponsoring organizations
have been leading the radio broadcasting industry with important
technical work for over 20 years, but until now there has never
been a comprehensive and accessible archive of all this material.
I expect the NRSC and others will benefit from this online resource
as future technical challenges arise.
NRSC Reports Web page is located on the Internet at
Additional information about the NRSC, including information on
becoming a member, is also available on the Web site.
Show will host the 63rd NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference on
April 18 23 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas,
The NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference is a highly technical
conference where presenters deliver technical papers ranging over
a variety of topics relevant to the broadcast and allied industries.
We invite you to submit a proposal to present a technical paper
at our conference. The deadline for submitting your proposal is
October 17, 2008.
submit a technical paper proposal, click
here and complete the electronic form. If you have questions
regarding the NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference, please contact
John Marino.

2009 Broadcast Engineering Conference Committee (BEC)
met at NAB headquarters to begin the process of planning
the 2009 BEC Conference sessions. Shown in the photo to
the left are (front row) Jeff Smith, Clear Channel Radio,
Lew Zager, LZ Solutions and SBE Ennes Workshop coordinator;
Dom Bordonaro, Cox Radio Connecticut;
(back row) Michael Cooney, Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc.;
Joe Snelson, Meredith Broadcast Group and NAB BEC Committee
Chairman; John Poray, SBE Executive Director and Andy
Laird, Journal Broadcast Group.
Committee members not pictured are Michael Doback, The
E.W. Scripps Station Group, David Folsom, Raycom Media,
Inc., and Thomas Hankinson, ABC.
AM Antenna
Computer Modeling Seminar
November 20-21, 2008
NAB Headquarters
Washington, DC
Dont miss this opportunity for broadcast engineers to learn
the basics needed to utilize modeling software such as MININEC
and nodal analysis for designing performance-optimized AM directional
antenna phasing and coupling systems and proving the performance
of directional antenna patterns.
will learn about:
- Moment
Method Modeling Basics
- DA Proofing
Using Moment Method Modeling
- Overcoming
Limitations of Using Field Strength Measurements for DA Proofs
- State
of the Art in Phasing System Design Nodal Analysis of AM DA
Phasing and Coupling Systems
- Pattern
Design Considerations for Optimum Performance
antenna experts Ron Rackley and Ben Dawson, along with antenna
modeling software specialist Jerry Westberg, will lead the seminar
demonstrating how moment method modeling makes analysis of actual
tower current distributions possible and how a model can be used
to proof an array provided the proper criteria are considered.
All instructors are well known in the radio industry as experts
in the field of directional antenna design and maintenance. Their
decades of experience offer station engineers an opportunity to
learn techniques, tips and tricks that can be immediately useful.
fee: $395.00 (NAB members) and $495.00 (non-members). For
more information on the curriculum, how to register or housing
go to AM
Antenna Computer Modeling Seminar on the NAB Web site or call
Sharon Devine at (202)-429-5338. Register now for the NAB AM Antenna
Modeling Seminar!
The September 22, 2008 Radio TechCheck is also
available in an Adobe Acrobat file.
here to read the Adobe Acrobat version of Radio TechCheck.