for Receiver Performance in Improving Spectrum Efficiency:
The GAO Report
a Door Prize for the HAM Reception at the 2013 NAB Show
One of
the "go-to" events at the 2013 NAB Show is the Amateur
Radio Operator's Reception (called the "HAM" reception)
which is open to all NAB Show attendees. This year's event
is being held on Wednesday, April 10 from 6-8 p.m. in Ballroom
B of the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino (formerly the Las Vegas
Hilton). Sponsored by Broadcast
Supply Worldwide, Heil
Sound, Ltd., and Turner
Engineering, this event also relies upon the generosity
of dozens of companies and individuals who donate door prizes
which are then raffled off during the event (you must be present
to win).
If you
would like to contribute to the evening's festivities by donating
a door prize, please contact Katy Armstrong at NAB (
All prize donors will be recognized in a scrolling video display
at the event and in the NAB Radio and TV TechCheck
newsletters published just preceding the event. Prizes can
be of any size and value but should be selected to appeal
to technically inclined individuals who have a passion for
their craft. Last year, prizes valued at over $14,000 were
donated and raffled off before an enthusiastic crowd of over
700 NAB Show attendees!
The Middle Class Tax
Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (referred to informally by broadcasters
as the Spectrum Act) was signed into law on February 22 2012 and,
among other things, authorized the use of "incentive auctions"
of broadcast spectrum. As a result, the FCC has issued a Notice
of Proposed Rule Making on various aspects of conducting incentive
auctions of broadcast spectrum; comments were filed on January 25
and reply comments are due on March 12. However, another part of
the Spectrum Act that perhaps got fewer headlines, headed "Study
on Receiver Performance and Spectrum Efficiency," required
the U.S. Comptroller General (essentially the Government Accountability
Office or GAO) to conduct a study that has just been released on
the effect of adjacent spectrum on wireless transmission systems,
encompassing all telecommunications, broadcast, satellite, commercial
mobile service, or other communications systems that employ radio
Specifically, the GAO study was required to consider:
the value of-
improving receiver performance as it relates to increasing spectral
(B) improving the operation of services that are located in adjacent
spectrum; and
(C) narrowing the guard bands between adjacent spectrum use;
(2) the role of manufacturers,
commercial licensees, and government users with respect to their
transmission systems and the use of adjacent spectrum;
(3) the feasibility of
industry self-compliance with respect to the design and operational
requirements of transmission systems and the reasonable use of adjacent
spectrum; and
(4) the value of action
by the Commission and the Assistant Secretary to establish, by rule,
technical requirements or standards for non-Federal and Federal
use, respectively, with respect to the reasonable use of portions
of the radio spectrum that are adjacent to each other."
The deadline for the
report was one year after the date of enactment of the Spectrum
Act, and GAO released its report to Congress and the public on time
on February 22, 2013.
The 48-page report details
the results of GAO's interviews with industry and government representatives
and their own analysis conducted between July 2012 and February
2013 on the relationship of receiver performance with interference
mitigation and spectrum efficiency.
Figure 4 from the
report, copied below, shows pictorially the interference situation
that is attributable to receiver performance in adjacent channel situations.
The report notes that
the FCC and NTIA have primarily focused on setting emission limits
on transmitters and/or establishing spectrum guard bands to control
interference. Mandates on receiver performance have been routinely
used by NTIA for federal spectrum users, but rarely used by the
FCC for commercial services. NTIA indicated that their mandatory
standards for receivers apply to about 60 percent of federal spectrum
assignments. In commercial industry, it has been more popular for
industry-led organizations to adopt voluntary standards for receivers.
For instance, for television service, the Advanced Television Systems
Committee (ATSC) developed and maintains the A/74 "Recommended
Practice on Receiver Performance Guidelines."
The GAO report summarized
their research and found several challenges to further improvements
in receiver performance:
Lack of coordination
across industries:
While members of a particular industry coordinate with each other,
they may have little or no communication with services operating
in adjacent spectrum bands. The report uses the FM radio industry
and the aviation community (which operates above the FM radio band)
as an example where there are discussions within the groups but
a general lack of coordination and information sharing between the
Lack of incentives
to improve receivers:
Manufacturers generally have little incentive to build more robust
receivers, primarily because the manufacturers will not receive
the benefits. Rather, those who want to make more spectrum available
or share spectrum will benefit. Improved receiver performance can
result in increased size, weight, power consumption and/or cost,
all of which may competitively disadvantage a receiver product.
Difficulty accommodating
a changing spectrum environment:
Incumbent services function well with receivers that don't have
interference problems in the current spectrum environment. However,
if that environment changes, for example when previously unused
adjacent spectrum is occupied by a new user, receivers currently
in use may experience increased interference. Manufacturers, on
the other hand, find it difficult to build receivers to accommodate
an unknown future, where predictability of the future interference
environment is not certain.
The report documents
various efforts that have been taken over the years by industry
and the FCC with regard to receiver performance. However, the Recommendation
at the end of the report implies that more needs to be done at the
government level:
"To improve receiver
performance and spectrum efficiency, we recommend that the Chairman
of the FCC consider collecting information on the practical effects
of various options to improve receiver performance, including consideration
of small-scale pilot tests of these options."
The GAO report "Spectrum
Management: Further Consideration of Options to Improve Receiver
Performance Needed" can be downloaded here.
In the year that the
GAO report was being prepared, work in other venues on the subject
was also ongoing. On November 29, 2012 the House Energy and Commerce
Committee's Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a
hearing on "The
Role of Receivers in a Spectrum Scarce World." During that
hearing, the FCC's Deputy Chief of the Office of Engineering and
Technology noted that "receiver performance is becoming increasingly
important as a limiting factor as we move to repurpose spectrum
and pack services closer together on the spectrum chart." He
also indicated that the FCC planned to review the upcoming report
from GAO, as well as output expected from the FCC Technological
Advisory Council (TAC).
The FCC TAC consists of approximately 50 telecommunications experts
that provide technical advice and recommendations to the FCC. At
the December 10, 2012 TAC meeting, the TAC Working Group on Receivers
and Spectrum recommended that the FCC investigate implementing an
"interference limits" policy. This refers to establishing
ceilings, called harm claim thresholds, on in-band and out-of-band
interfering signals that must be exceeded before a radio system
can claim that it is experiencing harmful interference. Manufacturers
then determine on their own how to build receivers that can tolerate
such interference, on a voluntary basis. Following a peer review
process within the TAC, a white paper on the topic was made publicly
available from the TAC working group in early February. The FCC
TAC white paper "Interference Limits Policy: The Use of Harm
Claim Thresholds to Improve the Interference Tolerance of Wireless
Systems" can be downloaded here.
Webinar on Ultra-HD
Join this free webinar
on Thursday February 28 at 1:00 pm Eastern for an executive summary
of the state of "4K' and "8K" versions of Ultra-HD
technology and a view on what must be done to enable Ultra-HD service.
Sponsored by US Telecom, the webinar will be led by consultant Greg
DePriest (former VP, Technology for NBC Universal) who led the Washington,
D.C. private demonstrations of "8K" Ultra-HD technology
during the recent London Olympic Games in cooperation with NHK,
BBC and OBS. For more information and to register for the webinar,
click here.
On a related
note for those attending the NAB Show, be sure to visit the NAB
Labs Futures Park, where Japanese national public-service broadcaster
NHK will demonstrate its 8K Super Hi-Vision (SHV) system, including
content recorded at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, displayed
on a 300-inch screen with 22.2 channel sound playback. The NHK exhibit
will also include portable and 120 Hz studio cameras recently developed
for SHV, and production tools for the system's 22.2 channel audio
format. In addition, the NHK exhibit will feature the first demonstration
outside Japan of over-the-air broadcast transmission and reception
of the Super Hi-Vision service, using two 6MHz TV channels.
The Korean Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
(ETRI) also will show Ultra HD at the NAB Labs Futures Park, including
a proposed next-generation TV broadcast system that provides 4K
service to fixed receivers and HD service to mobile receivers, in
a single multiplexed transmission.